Diferencia entre revisiones de «Empleando esquirlada»

organized the former shardbearers, fixed some errors, and some minor grammar etc.
m (Reverted edits by King of Herdaz (talk) to last revision by Argent)
Etiqueta: Reversión
(organized the former shardbearers, fixed some errors, and some minor grammar etc.)
;Full Shardbearer
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Nale]], live Spren, Honorblade
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Nale]]
* [[General Khal]], given full set of plate and blade after Adolin's duels.{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Rock]], taken from [[Amaram]]
;Single shard
* [[Jasnah Kholin]], (live Spren)- [[Ivory]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]], (live spren)Spren
* [[Shallan Davar]]<ref, name=shallanlive group=fn>[[Shallan]] can useSpren- [[Pattern]] as a blade</ref> (live Spren)
* [[Kaladin]], (live Spren)- [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Teft]], (live Spren)
* [[Lift]], live Spren- [[Wyndle]]
* [[Szeth]], [[Jezrien]]'s (Honorblade/, [[Nightblood)]]
* [[Resi]]{{book ref|twok|58}} - Royal Defender of [[Highprince]] [[Thanadal]]
* [[Aladar]] - usually lends his shards to highlord [[Mintez]]
* [[Tshadr]]
* [[Captain Khal]], recovered [[Teleb]]'s blade during the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|83}}
;Former Full Shardbearers
* King [[Gavilar Kholin]]<ref name=szeth group=fn>Killed by Szeth</ref>
* Highprince [[Torol Sadeas]]<ref name=dalinar group=fn> Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin]] traded ''[[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]]'' and his [[Shardplate]] for the lives of [[Shattered Plains|Sadeas warcamp]]'s bridgemen at the end of ''[[The Way of Kings]]''.</ref> (Shardblade called ''[[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]]''), killed by [[Adolin Kholin]]{{book ref|sa2|89}}
* King [[Hanavanar]] of [[Jah Keved]]<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* Two unnamed guards of the King of [[Jah Keved]]<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin]]<ref name=dalinar group=fn />
* [[Helaran Davar]]<ref name=kal group=fn /> killed by Kaladin.
* [[HeraldTeleb]]s, fell during the [[NaleBattle of Narak]]. being[[Shardplate]] the exceptionhad to thisbe soleft far.{{bookbehind, ref|sa2|I|9}}but [[Shardblade]] was reclaimed by [[Captain Khal]].{{book ref|sa2|7683}}
* [[TelebCoreb]], fella during the [[Battlemember of Narak]].[[ShardplateKaladin]]'s hadformer tospear becrew, leftwho behindbriefly butheld [[ShardbladeHelaran]]'s Shards until he was reclaimedexecuted by [[Captain KhalAmaram]].{{book, ref|sa2|83}}who then took the Shards.
* [[Relis Ruthar]], full Shardbearer plate a deep black, disarmed in the 4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]], plate and blade given to [[General Khal]].{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Coreb]], a member of [[Kaladin]]'s former spear crew, who was executed by [[Amaram]].
* [[Salinor EvedAbrobadar]], bladeplate painted onlyorange, disarmed in the 1st4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]], plate and blade given to [[Renarin KholinMoash]].{{book ref|sa2|1566}}
* [[ErannivEshonai]], plate only, disarmeddrowned in the 2ndchasms duelof bythe [[AdolinShattered KholinPlains]] plateafter given tothe [[TelebBattle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Elit Ruthar]], plate only, disarmed the 3rd duel by [[Adolin Kholin]] plate given to [[Serugiadis]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Jakamav]], plate only painted green, disarmed in the 4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]] plate given to [[Rust Elthal]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Relis Ruthar]], full Shardbearer plate a deep black disarmed in the 4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]] plate and blade given to [[General Khal]].{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Abrobadar]], full Shardbearer orange painted plate disarmed in the 4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]] plate and blade given to [[Moash]].{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Eshonai]] drowned in the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains]] after the [[Battle of Narak]].
* [[Moash]], given full set of plate and blade after Adolin's duels.{{book ref|sa2|66}} Taken when captured while fleeing the [[Shattered Plains]].
* [[Meridas Amaram]],<ref name=kal group=fn>[[Kaladin]] killed thea Shardbearer, [[Helaran]], protecting [[Amaram]]. Amaram then took both Plate and Blade from Kaladin for himself, and later had possession of ''[[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]]'' as well.</ref> DeadKilled afterby the[[Rock]] battleduring ofThe [[Battle of Thaylen CityField]].
* [[Elhokar Kholin]], Killed by [[Moash]] during the taking of [[Kholinar]]
* [[Resi]],{{book ref|twok|58}} -plate painted yellow, Royal Defender of [[Highprince]] [[Thanadal]], defeated by Adolin Kholin.
;Former Single Shardbearers
* King [[Hanavanar]] of [[Jah Keved]], blade only.<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* Two unnamed guards of the King of [[Jah Keved]], blades only.<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* [[AbrobadarSalinor Eved]], fullblade Shardbearer orange painted plateonly, disarmed in the 4th1st duel by [[Adolin Kholin]] plate and, blade given to [[MoashRenarin Kholin]].{{book ref|sa2|6615}}
* [[Eranniv]], plate only, disarmed in the 2nd duel by [[Adolin Kholin]], plate given to [[Teleb]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Elit Ruthar]], plate only, disarmed the 3rd duel by [[Adolin Kholin]], plate given to [[Serugiadis]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* [[Jakamav]], plate only, painted green, disarmed in the 4th duel by [[Adolin Kholin]], plate given to [[Rust Elthal]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
* The [[Herald]]s, all abandoned their [[Honorblade]]s, [[Nale]] being the only one to recover his so far.{{book ref|sa2|I|9}}{{book ref|sa2|76}}
== Notes ==
