Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elorin»

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I think it sounds worse now, but I changed it to past tense
(finished page)
Etiqueta: status-change
m (I think it sounds worse now, but I changed it to past tense)
== History ==
[[Kenton]] petitionspetitioned Elorin for sponsorship on his attempt at running the [[Mastrell's Path]] in the [[Kerla]]. After multiple warnings, citing the difficulty of the Path and Kenton's weakness, Elorin allowsallowed Kenton to proceed. He explainsexplained the rules of the challenge and allowsallowed Kenton to bring a sword, as Kenton's request was not explicitly forbidden.
Elorin was deeply concerned for Kenton's safety when he was being attacked by the [[sandling]] on the Mastrell's Path, yelling to Kenton multiple times that he has to ask for help in order for him to receive assistance. When Kenton refusesrefused, he asksasked Praxton to intervene, but iswas compliant when the Lord Mastrell deniesdenied his request.{{book ref|ws1|1}} He rushesrushed to Kenton after the test, calling for water, and iswas present when Kenton wakeswoke up the next day. Elorin encouragesencouraged Kenton not to attend the advancement ceremony, ostensibly because the Lord Mastrell was displeased with Kenton's actions,{{book ref|ws1|2}} but in truth he wanted him to stay away because he knew the [[Kerztian]]s were going to attack the Diem that day, and wanted to protect his friend from the oncoming massacre.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
During the advancement ceremony, Elorin poisonspoisoned the ceremonial water bowl with [[KaDo]]. He then givesgave every sand master, except [[Drile]] who declinesdeclined to partake, a drink from the bowl, poisoning the entire Diem. He opensopened the formalities by welcoming the assembly and then readsread names from a scroll, calling forth those who would be advanced, and announcing their new rank. During the ceremony a large group of Kerztian [[DaiKeen|warrior-priests]] attackattacked the assembled sand masters in an attack coordinated by Elorin. Due to the fact that they had all been poisoned by the KaDo he had given them, the sand masters dehydratedehydrated and [[Overmastery|overmasterovermastered]] much quicker than normal, and the Kerztians killkilled out most of the Diem.{{book ref|ws1|2}}{{book ref|ws3|6}}
Five months{{ref|text=six months before the end of volume three is about five months before the ceremony in the Kerla}} before the ceremony in the Kerla the [[Sand Lord]] appearsappeared to him in the shape of a towering figure made of sand. After seeinghe saw this, Elorin convertsconverted to the [[Ker'Reen]] faith, resignsresigned his position as head of acolents, and quietly stopsstopped using his powers without the other sand masters noticing. He was going to quit the Diem entirely but the A'Kar tellstold him to stay in order to orchestrate its downfall from within.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
When he returnsreturned to the Diem after the attack and meetsmet now Lord Mastrell Kenton, he sayssaid that he went south to his home village but didn't fit in there and so he returned. He claimsclaimed to have overmastered and lost his powers, but later he admitsadmitted that he never lost them, just that with his new faith he couldn't use his "evil" powers anymore. Kenton asksasked him to resume his duties as an assistant and he agreesagreed. While at the Diem he coordinatescoordinated attacks by Kerztian assassins against Kenton and Drile.{{book ref|ws2|2}}{{book ref|ws3|6}} Later, at [[Khriss]]' suggestion, Kenton taskstasked Elorin, alongside [[Dirin]], with running all of the Diem's day to day functions. Kenton tellstold all sand masters with questions to ask Elorin instead of him.{{book ref|ws3|1}}
Elorin presidespresided over Kenton's duel with Drile and givesgave each of them to drink from separate ceremonial bowls. Elorin usesused KaDo to poison [[Drile]]'s bowl in a plot to ensure a weak leader would rule the [[Diem]]. His plot succeedssucceeded and Kenton defeatsdefeated the more powerful Drile. After the fight Kenton and Drile realizerealized that something was wrong during their fight. Drile sayssaid that he felt the same weakness he felt that day in the Kerla. Kenton iswas surprised because he had thought Drile was the one who had betrayed the Diem in the Kerla. Together they quickly surmisesurmised that it must have been Elorin who betrayed them. Kenton confrontsconfronted Elorin, and Elorin admitsadmitted to have been working to cause the Diem's downfall for the past six months. Elorin sayssaid that two days have passed and he is allowed to try again. He raisesraised ahis [[zinkall]] towards Kenton and firesfired a [[terken]] dart at the same astime that Kenton sendssent a ribbon of sand towards him. Elorin missesmissed and Kenton's ribbon goeswent through his heart, killing him.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
