Diferencia entre revisiones de «Duraluminio»

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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Duralumin a Duraluminio: Traducción al español)
|allomancy=Flare and expend one's own Allomantic metals
|type-a=InternalInterno, PushingEmpuje, EnhancementMejora
|misting=DuraluminMosquito GnatDuraluminio
|feruchemy=StoreAlmacena [[ConnectionConexión]]
|hemalurgy=StealRoba [[ConnectionConexión]] ande [[IdentityIdentidad]]
'''Duralumin''' is the internal enhancement pushing metal. An Allomancer burning duralumin is able to greatly enhance other metals they are burning by releasing all of the power of the metals at once instead of over time. Feruchemists can use duralumin to store [[Connection]], and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, duralumin steals Connection and [[Identity]].
