Diferencia entre revisiones de «Duraluminio»

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* If [[Vin]] hadn't had duralumin in the fight at the [[Luthadel Assembly]] meeting both [[Elend]] and she would have died.{{book ref|mb2|38}}{{ref|name=a-mb2-38}}
* An alternative ending to ''[[The Well of Ascension]]'' has a conversation about duralumin between [[Vin]] and [[Elend]].{{ref|name=mb2-alt-end}}
* The [[Lord Ruler]] kept aluminum and it's alloy [[duralumin]] from public knowledge to give the [[Inquisitors]] an advantage.{{ref|name=a-mb3-74}}
* Brandon wrote the [[Battle of Hathsin]]'s ending to include [[Elend]] burning both duralumin and [[atium]] because lots of people had asked about the combination.{{ref|name=a-mb3-81-3}}
* Burning duralumin whilst also compounding any other metal does not gain anything other than time, and is quite dangerous due to the swift effects of the duralumin.{{wob ref|5901}}
