Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dorp»

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|died=AttackAtaque on theal ''[[Sueño de Oot's Dream]]''{{book ref|tress|12}}{{book ref|tress|19}}
|books=[[TressTrenza ofdel themar Emerald SeaEsmeralda]]
'''Dorp''' ises aun [[sproutergerminador]] onen theel ''[[Oot'sSueño Dreamde Oot]]'' whichque sailsnavega [[Lumar]].{{book ref|tress|11}}
HeIntenta attemptsreparar to repair theel ''Sueño de Oot's Dream'' whencuando ites comesatacado underpor attack by theel ''[[Crow'sCanto del Songcuervo]]''', patchingparcheando thelos firstprimeros holesagujeros causedcausados bypor las balas de cañón de [[Laggart]]'s cannonballs usingutilizando [[roseiterosaíta]].{{book ref|tress|10}}
Dorp,Ante atla thesugerencia suggestionde of [[Tress]]Trenza, proposesDorp topropone theal [[CaptainCapitán del ofSueño thede Oot's Dream|ship'sal captaincapitán]] thatque TressTrenza shouldsea bepresentada displayedante prominentlyla totripulación thedel crewbarco, ofa thelo ''Oot'sque Dream'',este whichdescribe thecomo captain«la describesprimera as "the first goodbuena idea» [he]que everhabía had"tenido. TheyEsperan hopeque that theel ''Sueño de Oot's Dream'' willdeje ceasede firingdispararles uponcuando themla whentripulación thevea crewel seesuniforme Tress'sde [[InspectorInspectora|Royalinspectora Inspectorreal]] uniformde Trenza, howeversin theembargo ployla isestratagema unsuccessfulno tiene éxito.{{book ref|tress|11}} WhenCuando TressTrenza attemptsintenta toabandonar leaveel theSueño de ''Oot's Dream''para toatravesar walklas across the sporesesporas, Dorp tacklesla herataca ande beginsintenta attemptingarrancarle tola ripropa herpara clothingquedársela off to take for himselfél. He isEs knockedderribado downcuando whenTrenza Tresslo hitsgolpea himcon withsu hertaza pewterde cuppeltre.{{book ref|tress|11}}
DespiteA hispesar effortsde tosus repairesfuerzos thepor reparar el ''Oot'sSueño Dreamde Oot'', thela onsetaparición ofde aun [[seethebullir]] resultsprovoca inel thehundimiento sinkingdel ofbarco thede shiptodos anywaymodos.{{book ref|tress|11}} Dorp diesmuere alongjunto withal theresto restde ofla thetripulación crew of thedel ''Oot'sSueño Dreamde Oot'' whencuando itéste sinksse intohunde theen el [[Emeraldmar SeaEsmeralda]] followingtras theel ataque del ''Crow'sCanto Songdel cuervo'''s attack.{{book ref|tress|12}}{{book ref|tress|19}}
== NotesNotas ==
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