Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dominio»

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== Associated magic ==
Unknown. It has however, been confirmed by Brandon that the [[Seon]]s are splinters of [[Devotion]] created by that shard's dissolution at the hands of [[Odium]], it is logical to assume the [[Skaze]] have the same relationship to Dominion.
Unknown, but suspected to be related to the [[Skaze]].
Dominion and [[Devotion]] together make up the Dor. They did not work together, as [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] did, rather their Splintered remains merged in an unknown way and made the Dor. It is postulated that Dominion—meaning land, or country under control—is the reason only people of certain nationalities can access the Dor in certain ways. It is likely that being born in that country does not matter, it instead being related to feeling a devotion toward it. MaiPon people alone can use Forgery, and a map of MaiPon goes on the back of soulstamps. Only people of [[Aonic]] descent can be taken by the [[Shaod]], but only if they are in Arelon at the time. Aons contain maps of Arelon as well.
