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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Drlwan a Dlrwan sin dejar una redirección: Traducción al español)
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|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Drlwan''' ises auna marinera [[ThaylenThaylenah|thayleña]] sailor.{{book ref|sa3.5|4}} SheFue waselegida chosen bypor [[Vstim]] topara beser captaincapitana of thedel ''[[WandersailVela Errante (1174barco shipaño 1174)|WandersailVela Errante]]''. HerSu brotherhermano [[Kstled]] servessirve underbajo hersu asmando thecomo ship'shombre de man-at-armsarmas.
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersalidad ==
Drlwan is a short woman and described by [[Rysn]] as having "a sharp nose and unusually blonde hair". She has a commanding air, and Rysn describes her as "a showy woman." Her official dress uniform is noted as stark-white, glistening with medals, and worn along with a tricorn hat and curled eyebrows.{{book ref|sa3.5|4}}
===Rysn'sViaje Journeyde Rysn toa Akinah===
Prior to Vstim gifting ownership of the ''Wandersail'' to Rysn, Drlwan and her crew sailed the ship on test runs. Drlwan was initially curt with Rysn, showing her only the barest courtesy due a captain to a [[rebsk]] and indicated she did not think Rysn was needed on the ''Wandersail''. On their first voyage with Rysn aboard, she outright denied her the chance to steer the ship, an honor often shown to a rebsk. It is later revealed that Drlwan and her crew believed that Vstim would gift the ship to Drlwan upon his appointment to Trade Minister. Rysn noted she believed Drlwan did not think her worthy of her elevation to rebsk. She was dismissive of the crews belief in "omens" and noted them as "nonsense."{{book ref|sa3.5|4}} Despite this dismissal, she contemplated ending the journey when a dead [[santhid]] was spotted, lest her crew mutiny. However, when Rysn's attempted to turn santhid's appearance to a positive, Drlwan was the first to support her efforts. Drlwan noted to Rysn in private that she would turn the ship around if she thought there was a risk of losing it, but "would not do so on a whim."{{book ref|sa3.5|8}}
After the events on Akinah, Drlwan approached Rysn. She noted that she did not think the [[Alethi]] would let [[Cord]] keep her [[Shardplate]], despite traditional claims to ownership. She then told Rysn that the Sleepless informed her of Rysn's requirement in her deal with the Sleepless that the crew be unharmed. When Rysn said that she did what any rebsk would do, Drlwan corrected her, saying that she "did what any ''good'' rebsk would do." Drlwan then offered Rysn the opportunity to steer the ship, and left her with a smile.{{book ref|sa3.5|epilogue}}
== NotesNotas ==
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