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Como otros monjes de [[Dakhor]], el cuerpo de Dilaf ha sido distorsionado por la magia de su orden. Sus brazos son como nudosas ramas de árbol y su piel está tensa sobre extrañas protuberancias y símbolos formados por sus huesos.{{book ref|Elantris|57}} Intrincados patrones abultados de líneas y curvas corren como venas bajo su piel.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}{{book ref|Elantris|62}}
Empuña una espada aparentemente diabólica{{ref|group=NdT|text="En la versión original del libro en inglés se puede leer «wicked-looking sword» mientras que en castellano se tradujo simplemente como «espada»."}} durante la [[Batalla de Teoras|batalla de Teoras]].
== Atributos y habilidades ==
== Historia ==
=== Vida temprana ===
Se sabe muy poco de la infancia de Dilaf. Siente una pasión precoz por el [[Shu-Dereth]], que queda evidenciada por su aceptación temprana en el monasterio deDakhor. A la edad de 10 años, Dilaf ya ha entrado en el monasterio. En lugar de apuntar a los altos rangos del sacerdocio, Dilaf elige continuar en el monasterio, convirtiéndose en uno de los devotos monjes Dakhor.
Very little is known about Dilaf's early life. He had an early ardor for [[Shu Dereth]], as evidenced by his early acceptance into Dakhor monastery. By the time he was ten, Dilaf had entered the monastery. Rather than pursue the priesthood, Dilaf elected to continue in the monastery, becoming one of the dedicated Dakhor monks.
ByPara thecuando timealcanza hela reachedmediana middle ageedad, Dilaf hadha risenascendido tohasta theel rankrango ofde gragdet, theel headjefe ofdel the monasterymonasterio. Dilaf'sLa intensityintensidad wasde onlyDilaf amplifiedse byamplifica hispor elevationsu ascenso, andy hecomienza begana puttingurdir plansplanes inpara place for the destruction ofdestruir Elantris. AnUna essentialparte partesencial ofde hissus plansplanes involvedconlleva hissu insertioninfiltración inen auna operación longencubierta runningde undercoverlarga operationduración. ItEs wastambién alsodurante duringeste thisperiodo period thatcuando Dilaf gainedadquiere thela boneestructura structureósea thatque allowedle himpermite toanular cancelel outuso theelatrino Elantrian use ofdel [[AonDor]], auna transformationtransformación thatque costcuesta thela livesvida ofde manymuchos monjes Dakhor monks.
JustJusto beforeantes hisde insertionsu was to take placeinfiltración, Dilaf begancomienza traininga entrenar a youngun joven Hrathen. ThreeTres monthsmeses afterantes de que Hrathen enteredentre en theel monasterymonasterio, Dilaf requiredpide onea ofuno thede monkslos undermonjes hisa commandsu tocargo sacrificeque himselfse tosacrifique transportpara Dilaftransportarle a los aposentos tode [[Wulfden the FourthIV]]'s chambers, auna distancedistancia easilycorta walkeda pie. AlthoughAunque Dilaf didno notle assignda particulardemasiada importanceimportancia toa thiseste eventevento, it would laysienta thelas groundworkbases ofde hissu eventualfutura deathmuerte.
=== Infiltración en Arelon ===
Poco después de que Hrathen se fuera del monasterio de Dakhor, Dilaf sufre un doloroso cambio físico para parecer de ascendencia arelena. Al parecer, esta transformación también camba su proceso de envejecimiento, ya que el resto de su vida (vivirá hasta alcanzar casi los 70 años), aparenta ser físicamente bastante joven. Inmediatamente después de llegar a Arelon, Dilaf comienza a integrarse en la cultura arelena. Al principio, parece que todo va acorde a los planes. Después, inesperadamente, Dilaf se enamora.
Shortly after Hrathen left Dakhor monastery, Dilaf underwent a painful physical change to appear to be of Arelene descent. It appears that this transformation also changed the aging process, as the rest of his life (he would live to be nearly 70 years old), Dilaf appeared physically quite young. Immediately after arriving in Arelon, Dilaf set about integrating himself into Arelene culture. At first, it seemed that everything was going according to his plans. Then, unexpectedly, Dilaf fell in love.
Se sabe muy poco de Seala, la mujer de de Dilaf. Dilaf está muy inestable cuando revela la mayor parte de esta información, así que lo que se sabe, es cuestionable. Dilaf tiene unos 50 años cuando se conocen, y nadie se sorprende más que él cuando se enamora. Aún se sorprende más cuando el amor es correspondido incluso a pesar de su 'deformación' física para encajar en el molde areleno.
Very little is known about Seala, Dilaf's wife. Dilaf is unhinged by the time he reveals most of it, so what is known, is suspect. Dilaf was over 50 when they met, and no one was as surprised as he was when he fell in love. He was left even more surprised when she returned his love, despite his physical 'deformity' of looking like an Arelene.
Seala became sickenferma, butpero Dakhor cannotno healpuede curarla. In desperationDesesperado, Dilaf turnedacude toa thelos Elantrianselantrinos topara heal Sealacurarla. UnfortunatelyDesgraciadamente, theel glyphglifo thatque shoulddebería havehaberla healedcurado, herprovoca insteaden performedella auna partialtransformación transformationparcial, notno unlikemuy thedistinta del [[Reod]], leavingdejándola heren inun painestado andde unabledolor toe dieincapaz de morir. Dilaf,Sin howeverembargo, believedDilaf thatcree thisque tragiceste accidenttrágico wasaccidente aes maliciousun attackataque malintencionado, and begany nursingcomienza a hatreddesarrollar thatun wouldodio ultimatelyque driveacabará himpor insanevolverle loco.{{book ref|elantris|60}} HeSe retreatedretira toa thela outlyingciudad cityperiférica ofde [[NaenRain]], andy begancomienza hissu infiltrationinfiltración inen earnestserio, takingtomando theel rolerol ofde anun Areleneareleno whoconvertido had converted toal Shu -Dereth.{{book ref|elantris|3}}
=== Invasión de Kae ===
Dilaf workedtrabaja secretlyen forsecreto yearsdurante towardsaños Wyrn'spara trueconseguir goalel objetivo real del Wyrn: Theel genocidegenocidio ofde alltodos Areleneslos arelenos y, anden eventuallyúltima allinstancia, peoplede oftodas las personas de ascendencia [[AonicAónico|aónica]] descent. ThisDilaf wasrespalda afuertemente goaleste Dilaf strongly supportedobjetivo, asya theque extinctionla ofextinción thede Aonicla bloodlinelínea wouldde bringsangre withaónica itacarrearía theel endfinal ofde thelos Elantrianselantrinos.{{book ref|elantris|59}} WhenCuando heoye heardhablar ofde thela constructionconstrucción ofde auna capilla Derethi chapel inen Kae, heviaja traveledallí therecon withsus hisconversos convertsdesde from NaenRain; upona hissu arrivalllegada, theel arteth Fjon wasqueda impressedimpresionado withpor hissu diligencediligencia andy purportedpretende todesignarle appoint him anun arteth, thoughaunque los arteths lackcarecen thede authorityla toautoridad namenecesaria para nombrar a otherotros arteths.
Shortly before the culmination of this plan, Wyrn sent a gyorn named [[Hrathen]] as a decoy to distract anyone who might oppose Dilaf.{{book ref|elantris|58}} Dilaf introduced himself to Hrathen in his role as a teacher and impressed him with his religious zeal and knowledge of Shu-Dereth. Hrathen then properly appointed Dilaf to the rank of arteth and swore him as his [[odiv]], though as Dilaf was secretly a gragdet, those promotions were actually without force.{{book ref|elantris|3}} Despite their bond, Dilaf and Hrathen's relationship quickly became hostile as Hrathen grew increasingly concerned about Dilaf's hatred of Elantris. In the following two months, the two plotted against each other. While Hrathen tried to convert Arelon, Dilaf prepared his invasion. When the last of Hrathen's plans failed and [[Raoden]] was crowned king, Dilaf began the invasion, revealing himself as the gragdet of Dakhor Monastery. His warrior-monks began the invasion by revealing they'd been smuggled into the country. When Hrathen realized Dilaf's superior rank, he acquiesced to Dilaf's control.{{book ref|elantris|58}}