Diferencia entre revisiones de «Diamond»

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== History ==
Diamond set up shop in the catacombs beneath [[Newcago]] not long after the death of the Epic [[Fortuity]], where the Reckoners purchased an Epic-based [[gauss gun]].{{book ref|Steelheart|15}}{{book ref|Steelheart|16}} He agreed not to mention the existence of the gun, which was vital to the Reckoners' plan to ensure that Steelheart would be lured out to face a new "[[Limelight|Epic]]".{{book ref|Steelheart|16}}
He was part of the Reckoners plan to ensure they received credit for the death of Steelheart.{{cite}}
He was placed in "protective custody" by the Reckoners following an encounter between them and the Epic [[Nightwielder]] that occurred in his shop.{{book ref|Steelheart|33}}