Diferencia entre revisiones de «Deshecho»

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One possibility that has been raised is that the Unmade are the opposites of the [[Herald]]s, servants of [[Odium]] as the Heralds served [[Honor]]. <!-- Word of Brandon exists on this matter; Unmade are of similar power level as the Heralds, but there is no 1 to 1 correlation -->
By symmetry with the Surgebinding diagram, the powers of the [[Voidbinding]] diagram appear also to be associated with faces, which have been theorized to be the Unmade. This would suggest that the Unmade are connected to the individual voidbinding powers.
The names of the Unmade are similar to those of demons/false gods in the Judeo-Christian tradition. [[Nergaoul]] is similar to Nergal, a Babylonian war god, and [[Moelach]] is similar to Moloch, a Carthaginian god to whom children were supposedly sacrificed. Re-Shephir is similar to Resheph, a Caananite god of darkness and pestilence. Dai-gonarthis is similar to the Phoenician sea-god Dagon. It has been speculated that there is some connection between the names of the Unmade and their powers. Nergaoul causes the [[Thrill]], and is similar to a war god. Moelach prompts [[Taravangian]] to kill the weak, and is similar to Moloch, to whom children were sacrificed. Re-Shephir is called the "Midnight Mother" and might have created the shadow-creatures known as [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essences]] , which would be appropriate for a deity of darkness. Dai-gonarthis bears the title "Black Fisher," which is appropriate for a sea god.