Diferencia entre revisiones de «Denth»

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not really that bad?
(→‎Action during warbreaker: Fix grammar error.)
m (not really that bad?)
'''Denth''' or '''VaraTreledees'''{{book ref|wb|29}}{{book ref|wb|54}} is one of the [[Five Scholars]] from [[Nalthis]].{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
== Pre-Warbreaker ==
== Death ==
During the Pahn kahl Rebellion Denth fights a duel with Vasher to prove that Vasher is not a better swordsman than Arsteel. Denth's fight with vasher reveals that Denth is the better swordsman. Vasher gives his breath's to Denth effectively stunning him for a moment and Vasher Runs him through with his sword, as Denth dies his hair flashes between colors falling to stark white. Denth has the royal locks separately from being a returned {{qa ref|979|167}}
== Notes ==
{{book ref|wb|29}}
{{book ref|wb|54}}
{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
{{qa ref|979|167|Does Denth have the Royal Locks, independent of being a Returned?|Datedate= Apr 15th, 2013}}
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