Diferencia entre revisiones de «Demoux»

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When he ventures into the mists for the first time, he is stricken down by them, becoming one of the [[mistfallen]]. {{book ref|mb2|chapter=17}}
The mistfallen are sorted into their own company due to the superstition and hatred directed towards them by the other soldiers, resulting in a brawl where a man named Bilg punches the general and is executed for it.{{book ref|mb3|chapter=47}}
Demoux and his troops arrive at the [[Pits of Hathsin]] where the [[Terris]] survivors have settled. They restore order and lend organization to the Terris people who had been flooded with refugees. Demoux and his soldiers maintained law and order and essentially took command, though he showed a respect for the Terris elders; he became romantically involved with [[Aslydin]], the daughter of one of the elders, who fell in love with him for his honor and respectability.{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=80-1}}