Cuaderno de bocetos de Shallan

De La Coppermind
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Cuaderno de bocetos de Shallan
Tipo Portfolio
Autor Shallan Davar
Idioma Women's script
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Shallan's Sketchbook is a portfolio that Shallan Davar keeps of her sketches and drawings.[1]

The original is lost during the attack on the Wind's Pleasure.[2]

The one about Pattern is wet on the right, and it appears to read, from top down:

  • It appears to be made up of lines? They’re not exactly tendrils or tentacles, they don’t grasp or reach, they just keep dividing and multiplying and combining into different patterns.
  • The lines always seem to be connected, either at the central root of the Pattern or by dividing off from a root line, all delicate shapes mix and overlap and reduce by multiple divisions.
  • It almost seems to phase in and out between two and three-dimensional space. I think it prefers a surface to connect with, but I have seen it move through the air on several occasions.
  • It certainly presents some veneer of depth, but the Pattern doesn’t appear to possess any consistent dimensions in terms of size.
  • I am almost certain that I have seen this Pattern somewhere before. It shares some resemblance with the creatures I observed in Kharbranth but without the body and those strange ribes. Is it possibly a doll or [?] of theirs?

Interior Art

Some of the pages from her portfolio are published in The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer and Rhythm of War.[3][4][5][6]


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