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|image=Crem cleanup by Marie Seeberger.jpg
|books=[[StormlightEl Archivearchivo de las tormentas]]
El '''Cremcrem''' ises aun typetipo ofde sedimentsedimento onde [[Roshar]] carriedque bytransporta la lluvia de las [[highstormAlta tormenta|altas tormentas]] rains.{{wob ref|10899}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Propertiespropiedades ==
CremEl iscrem aes lightuna brownsustancia marrón claro, sediment-likeparecida substancea los sedimentos. ItCae fallsjunto alongcon withlas thefuertes heavylluvias rainsdurante duringlas [[highstormAlta tormenta|altas tormentas]]s, whilemientras theque lighterlas rainfalllluvias duringmás theligeras de los [[WeepingLlanto]]s doesno notlo carry itarrastran.{{book ref|sa2|81}} ItDa givesal stormwateragua ade metalliclas tastetormentas un sabor metálico.{{wob ref|8491}} ConsumingSu itconsumo canpuede causecausar sicknessenfermedades, makinglo highstormque waterhace unsafeque toel drink;consumo however,de afteragua aboutde alas dayaltas tormentas no sea seguro, itpero willdespués settlede onun thedía, bottomse ofdeposita theen containerel fondo del recipiente, leavinglo que deja el agua cleanlimpia waterpor aboveencima.{{book ref|sa1|16}} WhenCuando dried,se itseca, canpuede turnconvertirse intoen dustpolvo.{{book ref|sa3|71}}{{book ref|sa3|82}} WaterEl mixedagua withmezclada con crem isse knownconoce ascomo '''cremwateraguacrem'''{{book ref|sa2|47}}. El '''Cremslimelimo de crem''' -(un abarro thickermás mudespeso formedformado ofpor wateragua mixedmezclada withcon crem) - hastiene anun unpleasantolor stenchdesagradable.{{book ref|sa1|60}} Densely-packed, accumulatedEl crem formsacumulado y densamente empaquetado forma la '''cremstonepiedra de crem''', whichde is tannishcolor brownmarrón in colortostado.{{wob ref|6268}}
Highstorms cause crem buildup on all structures, whether unnatural or natural, such as buildings, plateaus, and even corpses.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa2|51}} Unless cleaned regularly, everything on Roshar eventually becomes covered with crem, and any overhangs will grow crem stalactites.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|69}} In fact, the entire continent is slowly "migrating" leeward, thanks to the highstorms depositing crem as they travel.{{wob ref|5712}}