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InvestitureLa caninvestidura bepuede divideddividirse intoen twodos categoriescategorías: '''kineticinvestidura Investiturecinética''' andy '''staticestática''' oro '''innate Investitureinnata'''.{{book ref|sa4|89}}{{wob ref|5715}} KineticLa InvestitureInvestidura referscinética tose Investiturerefiere activelya doingla somethingInvestidura que hace algo activamente. WhenCuando Investiturela isInvestidura kinetices cinética, ita canmenudo oftenpuede beser detecteddetectada bypor variousvarios methodsmétodos, suchcomo ascon el [[Allomancy|Allomanticbronce]] [[bronzealomántico]] oro la [[sandarena (Taldain)|sandarena fromdel theLado DaysideDiurno ofde Taldain]].{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|9521}} StaticLa orInvestidura innateestática Investitureo refersinnata tose allrefiere Investiturea nottoda activelyla doingInvestidura somethingque no hace algo activamente, fromdesde theel piecepedazo ofde [[PreservationConservación]] inen todos alllos [[Scadrial|Scadriansscadrianos]] tohasta [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]]la chargecarga inferuquímica aen una mente de metalmindmetal.{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|1072}}{{wob ref|6927}} AtAl leastmenos somealgunas formsformas ofde staticInvestidura Investitureestática, includingincluidas las [[Lightsluces]] notque activelyno poweringalimentan anythingnada activamente, cantambién alsopueden beser detecteddetectadas bypor la arena de [[Taldain]]'s sand, thoughaunque theyafectan affecta thela sandarena muchmucho moremás slowlylentamente thanque kineticla InvestitureInvestidura doescinética.{{book ref|sa4|89}}
Los estudiosos del Cosmere scholarsdenominan terma thelos variousdiversos methodsmétodos ofde utilizingutilización Investiturede (suchla asInvestidura the(como las [[MetallicArtes ArtsMetálicas]], la [[SurgebindingPotenciación]], andy el [[AwakeningDespertar]]) '''InvestedArtes ArtsInvestidas'''.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} SinceDesde thela ShatteringFragmentación, thesese canpueden beagrupar groupeden intotres threecategorías main categoriesprincipales. TheLas mostmás commoncomunes areson thoselas poweredimpulsadas directlydirectamente bypor thelas ShardsEsquirlas,{{wob ref|4097}} whichque arisesurgen fromde thelas interactionsinteracciones betweenentre auna ShardEsquirla andy theel planetplaneta theyen areel Investedque inestá Investida.{{wobrefob ref|5269}} SuchEstas InvestedArtes ArtsInvestidas areson capablecapaces ofde farobtener moreresultados spectacularmucho resultsmás thanespectaculares otherque Investedlas Artsotras.{{wob ref|9385}}{{wobSi ref|4097}}un Ifplaneta ano planettiene doesuna notEsquirla, havesus ahabitantes Shardpueden inacceder residence,y itsutilizar inhabitantsla canInvestidura stillsegún accesslas andleyes useordinarias Investiturede byla the ordinary laws of RealmaticsRealmática, butpero, withoutsin auna ShardEsquirla toque provideproporcione additionalpoder poweradicional, thelos resultsresultados areson farmucho moremás limitedlimitados.{{wob ref|9385}}La última Thecategoría lastes categoryla isde thelas fewpocas InvestedArtes ArtsInvestidas leftque overquedaron fromantes beforede thela ShatteringFragmentación ofde Adonalsium,{{wob ref|4097}} ofde whichlas thecuales onlyel knownúnico exampleejemplo isconocido es el [[YolenTejer Luz|Yolishtejido de luz]] de [[LightweavingYolen]].
==== Anti-InvestitureInvestidura ====
Much like there is both matter and [[wikipedia: Antimatter|antimatter]], at least some forms of Investiture can be transformed into a substance known as '''anti-Investiture'''.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}} Currently, the only known forms of [[anti-Investiture]] are [[anti-Stormlight]] and [[anti-Voidlight]], which can be made by at least partially isolating [[Stormlight]] or [[Voidlight]] respectively from their Shard's pure tone and then exposing it to their Shard's opposite tone;{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|sa4|104}}{{wob ref|14778}} [[Khriss]] seems to believe additional forms of anti-Investiture are possible.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}} Anti-Voidlight, at least, looks mostly similar to regular Voidlight, but appears to warp the air around it.{{book ref|sa4|97}} When anti-Investiture mixes with Investiture of the same type, the two annihilate in a violent explosion; if the Investiture in question is the soul of a person or that of an entity composed entirely of Investiture, like a [[spren]], then this annihilation results in their permanent death.{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|sa4|104}}
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