Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cosmere»

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The '''cosmere''' is the universe in which all of [[Brandon Sanderson]]'s epic fantasy books take place. Concepts currently associated with the cosmere are [[Shard]]s, [[Adonalsium]], and the three realm structure, called [[Realmatic Theory]].
Concepts currently associated with the cosmere are [[Shard]]s, [[Adonalsium]], and the three realm structure, called [[Realmatic Theory]].
== Books and Series in the Cosmere ==
Here is a list of all known books or series that exist in the cosmere--that is, they are [[Shardworlds]].
Some unpublished novels are indeed Shardworlds.
Here is a list of all known books or series that exist in the cosmere--that is, they are [[Shardworlds]]. Some unpublished novels are indeed Shardworlds. [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] has stated that there are ten core Shardworlds where the main cosmere cycle will be told. All ten of these planets contain significant Shardic Influence. In addition to these core ten worlds, there are also untold number of other inhabited worlds in the cosmere, with either no Shardic Influence, or only a Splinter of a Shard. <ref name="http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/1256-the-ten-core-shardworlds/page__view__findpost__p__20982">FireArcadia's Brandon Interview</ref>
[[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] has stated that there are ten core Shardworlds where the main cosmere cycle will be told.<ref>{{17s|1256|AoL Signing - York (FireArcadia)}} {{wotdb||}}</ref>
All ten of these planets contain significant Shardic Influence.
In addition to these core ten worlds, there are also untold number of other inhabited worlds in the cosmere, with either no Shardic Influence, or only a Splinter of a Shard.
*[[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
*[[Mistborn (series)]]
*[[Stormlight Archive]]
*[[White Sand]]
== Entities associated with the Cosmere at large ==
*[[Seventeenth Shard]]
==Speculation Notes ==
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Some people have wondered if perhaps two of the three remaining Shardworldss that are unknown are the Tranquiline Halls for Honor, and Damnation for Odium.
Others have speculated that the Shardless worlds in the cosmere will be visited by space travelers in the Third Mistborn Trilogy.
[[Category:Places| ]][[Category:Magic| ]][[Category:Cosmere| ]]
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