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Hey all. Words of Radiance is out in two days, and while we're all pretty psyched about that, I just wanted to take a second to remind everyone about out spoiler policy, as it seems a number of people have received their copy early. Until the fourth, there will be absolutely no Words of Radiance spoilers permitted on the wiki beyond what has been revealed in pre-release chapters and readings. I will personally be keeping a close eye on the wiki for any spoilers and terminating them with extreme prejudice. :P On the fourth, spoilers will be allowed on the wiki, but they should all be marked with a spoiler tag, so as to not ruin the book for anyone. Six months or so after the book is out, these tags will be removed. Thanks for your patience and understanding everyone, and happy reading! --[[User:Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk:Windrunner|talk]]) 23:16, 2 March 2014 (UTC)
===Stormlight 2 Readings===
Hey guys, as of late we've gotten some pretty excellent insights into some of the awesome things in store for Stormlight 2 from Brandon's readings. However, not everyone is going to want to know these things in advance. If you add anything we've learned in a Stormlight 2 reading, make sure you put a spoiler tag (as explained below) on the top of the page to protect anyone from unwanted surprises. Thanks, and happy wikiing!
--[[User: Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk: Windrunner|talk]]) 02:47, 7 December 2012 (UTC)
===The Emperor's Soul Release and Spoiler Policy===
As you are probably all aware, The Emperor's Soul was officially released yesterday. We've kept the spoilers away since there's been a flood of accidental early releases. However, now that the book is out, spoilers are fair game. However, we don't really want to ruin the book for anyone. So a new spoiler template has been made. Simply put "spoilers" (minus the quotes) in two sets of brackets (Like this - {{}} ) at the top of any page you add TES spoilers too. These will stick around for around three months after the release date. This will be happening for all future releases as well, to protect people who may see something by following links to a page they didn't want to read, or got a spoilery page when they hit the random page button.
I've also created a new template for articles that are short but contain all the information we have on the subject at the minute, so they shouldn't be categorized as stubs. Use the brackets {{}} again but this time use the word "complete" (minus those quotes) No worries if you don't understand because I've explained this poorly, the other staff members that watch the wiki can add them after the fact if you can't get it to work. Happy Wikiing! --[[User: Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk: Windrunner|talk]]) 03:03, 3 November 2012 (UTC)
===Cat CAPTCHAs!===
So, it is extremely annoying the amount of spam we have been getting. We'd all really like to get to a point where you can edit the wiki without needing to log in, and especially without needing email verification. Pretty annoying. For whatever reason bots/spammers are really good at breaking RECaptcha.
So, now when you register, you should see a much more delightful spam thing: namely, you have to select cats from dogs. It's pretty freaking adorable and almost makes me want to do CAPTCHAs even more. Barely.
I do believe the cat CAPTCHA works fine, but if you are having trouble logging in or you get an error message, can you email me at [email protected] and let me know? -- [[User: Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk: Chaos2651|talk]]) 19:05, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
===Wiki Downtime===
Hey guys. I'm sorry about the wiki downtime that we recently had. Basically, it turned out that the wiki was using most of our server resources, so in order to save the site I had to take it down temporarily. We've now done some performance tuning so it should roll faster now, and I hope we don't have to do it again. -- [[User: Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk: Chaos2651|talk]]) 18:51, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
===Email Validation Required to Edit===
We've been hit with some pretty serious spambot action for a long while that the CAPTCHAs haven't seemed to block. For this reason, we are now requiring you to validate your email address before being able to edit pages. This also goes into effect for all current wiki accounts. If you are trying to edit now, you'll get an error and say that you need to validate your email. You'll be directed to your profile and supply an email. Soon, a validation email will appear, so just click the link in your box and you are good.
Unfortunately, this has the effect of requiring you to register a wiki account so your account can be validated at all. I apologize for the annoyance--I know I liked for guests to edit, with the security of a CAPTCHA, but we need to do email validation to stem the flow of spambots.
If we come up with a method to reduce bots another way that is less annoying, we'll do it. However, we thought our other options were even more annoying. We're very sorry for the inconvenience. We'll keep you updated of any changes. -- [[User: Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] 05:47, 23 March 2012 (UTC)
'''[[Coppermind: Welcome/Archive|See more news]]!'''