Diferencia entre revisiones de «Conservación»

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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Preservation a Conservación: Traducción al español)
Ultimately, Vin and [[Elend]] found themselves at the Well of Ascension, where, unseen to them, Kelsier's spirit had just learned of the danger in releasing the power. In a last bid to stop Vin from freeing Ruin, Kelsier grabbed Leras by the arm and forced him to slash [[Elend]], dealing him a deadly stomach wound. However, this was for naught, as Vin elected to release the power anyway out of a sense of duty. To prevent Elend's death, Leras led Vin to the last remaining bead of [[lerasium]], making him a Mistborn.{{msh ref|2|3}}
{{image|Death of Leras by Álvaro González Huertas .jpeg|side=left|width=250px|The death of Leras}}
=== The death of Leras ===
