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(added board game internal link)
|books=[[The Reckoners]]
'''Cody''' is a member of the [[Reckoners]].{{book ref|Steelheart|6}}
| I fight because I was a cop, and I took an oath.
| Cody explaining to [[David Charleston|David]] his reasons for being a Reckoner.{{book ref|Calamity|39}}
'''Cody''' is a member of the [[Reckoners]] on [[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth]].{{book ref|Steelheart|6}}
He is a wiry man in his early forties{{wob ref|7146}} with a distinctive Southern accent, often wears camouflage,{{book ref|Steelheart|5}} and does not have a specific role within the Reckoners -- instead, he does odd jobs and 'fills in the gaps with mayonnaise', as he puts it.{{book ref|Steelheart|15}} He was a policeman in Nashville before it was annexed by the [[Coven]].{{book ref|Steelheart|14}} He is from the South, although his family is from Scotland. He has never been to Scotland, but uses Scottish slang and terminology anyway, despite his having a definite Southern accent.
== Appearance and Personality ==
He is a wiry man in his early forties.{{wob ref|7146}} with a distinctive Southern accent,He often wears camouflage,.{{book ref|Steelheart|5}} and does not have a specific role within the Reckoners -- instead, he does odd jobs and 'fills in the gaps with mayonnaise', as he puts it.{{book ref|Steelheart|15}} He was a policeman in Nashville before it was annexed by the [[Coven]].{{book ref|Steelheart|14}} He is from the South, although his family ishails from Scotland. He has never been to Scotland, but uses Scottish slang and terminology anyway, despite his having a definite Southern accent.{{book ref|steelheart|14}}
He is fond of making absurd claims about topics such as his own past accomplishments, Scottish culture and history, and the "wee daemons" who allegedly power mobile phones and other technology. The extent to which he believes his own stories is ambiguous, although [[Jonathan Phaedrus|Prof]] suspectedsuspects that he only diddoes it to see how people wouldwill react. He also adds other commentaries on the Irish and Australian cultures, but not as often as the Scottish mythology.{{book ref|Steelheart|34}} He incorporates these cultures into corrupted sayings such as "everything went to Wales in a handbasket" and "you can bet your kilt on that."{{book ref|calamity|29}}{{book ref|calamity|30}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Cody does not have one specific role within the Reckoners; he does odd jobs, including welding and scouting.{{book ref|steelheart|14}}{{book ref|steelheart|34}} He is good at using the tensors and is an excellent marksman, able to snipe a person at a range of a thousand yards.{{book ref|steelheart|14}}{{book ref|calamity|30}}
== History ==
He is fond of making absurd claims about topics such as his own past accomplishments, Scottish culture and history, and the "wee daemons" who allegedly power mobile phones and other technology. The extent to which he believes his own stories is ambiguous, although [[Jonathan Phaedrus|Prof]] suspected that he only did it to see how people would react. He also adds other commentaries on the Irish and Australian cultures, but not as often as the Scottish mythology.{{book ref|Steelheart|34}}
Cody was a policeman in Nashville before it was annexed by the [[Coven]].{{book ref|Steelheart|14}} He became a [[Reckoners|Reckoner]] and was part of [[Jonathan Phaedrus]]' team in [[Newcago]] when [[David Charleston]] joined the group.{{book ref|steelheart|6}} He remained behind in Newcago when Prof, [[Tia]], and David traveled to [[Babilar]] to face [[Regalia]],{{book ref|firefight|7}} but after Prof fell to his powers, he and [[Abraham]] joined David's team.{{book ref|calamity|1}} They infiltrated [[Knighthawk Foundry]], which subsequently led the group to [[Ildithia]] and a confrontation with Prof.{{book ref|calamity|12}}{{book ref|calamity|30}}
== Trivia ==
* Sanderson's inspiration for Cody's habit of making up stories about his various ancestral cultures came from a conversation he had with a fan from the Southern United States regarding the correct use of "y'all"." This fan told Sanderson that "y'all" is commonly used when addressing only one person, which contradicted what Sanderson had heard previously and led him to wonder if the fan was pulling his leg.{{wob ref|6830}}
* In the rulebook for the [[The Reckoners (board game)|Reckoners board game]], Cody's surname is given as Arlington.
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