Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cladent»

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== Apariencia y personalidad ==
{{image|Clubs portrait.png|side=left|width=230px}}
|And don't smile at me...I hate that.
A Clubs se le describe como una persona con un rostro enjuto y con una expresión infeliz, similar a la de un trozo de madera anudada. Aunque parece ser mucho más viejo que Brisa, todavía parece estar físicamente en forma. Suele mostrar un comportamiento sombrío y pesimista, mirando a los que le rodean con desaprobación.{{book ref|mb1|4}} Camina con cojera debido a una herida pasada que se hizo en batalla, y tiene una gran cicatriz por ello.{{book ref|mb1|35}}
|Clubs to [[Kelsier]]{{book ref|mb1|5}}
Clubs is generally a surly individual who often displays a grim and pessimistic demeanor. He has a gnarled face that's often compared to a piece of knotted wood. Upon first meeting others, he can come across hostile and untrusting. Although he appears to be older than [[Breeze]], he is still physically fit. In spite of this, he walks with a limping gait. The source of which is a long twisting scar that runs up his calf and thigh, which he received during a skirmish while in the employ of the [[Lord Ruler]]{{book ref|mb1|ch5}}{{book ref|mb1|35}} He generally regards those around him with disapproval, but viewed as loyal and trustworthy by [[Kelsier]]. He fiercely distrusts [[Soother]]s and [[Rioter]]s due to their ability to manipulate peoples emotions. Even though he is immune to their [[allomancy]], he stills see's both mistings as manipulative. However, he later comes to enjoy being around [[Breeze]], to the point of drinking with him every night.{{book ref|mb2|36}}
To those that know him very well, Clubs is a man of rare understanding and humor.{{book ref|mb2|52}} When he smiles, it has a decidedly twisted look on his face. {{book ref|mb1|5}}
== Atributos y habilidades ==
{{image|Kelsier'sClubs Crew by Katie Payneportrait.jpgpng|side=left|width=250px|Con [[Kelsier]] y los otros miembros de su [[Banda de Kelsier|banda]]230px}}
=== Allomancy ===
Being a [[Misting]], Clubs is only capable of burning one of the Allomantic metals. He [[snapping|Snapped]] during his time in the the [[Lord Ruler]]'s army, in his last fight, where he wounded and then discharged.{{wob ref|7544}} After snapping, Clubs discovered he was capable of burning copper. As a [[Smoker]], Clubs is able to create a coppercloud around him that blocks the [[bronze]] sense of [[Seeker]]s and [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]. This ability extends beyond himself, and allows others to use allomancy near him, without being discovered. Burning copper will also make him immune to any emotional allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|14}}
=== Military Prowess ===
Clubs es un ahumador. Quemar cobre le permite formar una "nube de cobre" invisible a su alrededor que bloquea los sentidos de bronce de los [[buscador]]es y [[Alomancia|nacidos de la bruma]], lo que permite a las personas cercanas utilizar la alomancia sin ser descubiertas. También le hace inmune a la alomancia emocional mientras quema cobre.
For nearly a year, Clubs acts as the general for [[Elend]]'s military forces, and he is [[Kelsier]]s chosen team member to lead the assault against the Lord Ruler's palace. Clubs gained this military prowess and leadership during his time in the Lord Rulers army as an officer. It is unclear how many soldiers he led during his time, or how long he served there, but he has quite the knack for leading large groups of fighters.
== HistoriaHistory ==
=== Early Life ===
Antes de unirse a la [[banda de Kelsier]] Clubs era un soldado del ejército del [[lord Legislador]] con cierto nivel de mando. Durante su tiempo luchando en el sureste, el [[Romper|rompió]] y se convirtió en [[ahumador]].{{wob ref|7707}}{{wob ref|7544}} Tras ser herido y licenciado del ejército, Clubs se unió a la resistencia. También era un carpintero de éxito y tenía a varios aprendices, algunos de los cuales también eran ahumadores.{{book ref|mb1|2}}En algún momento del pasado "adoptó" a su sobrino [[Fantasma]] después de que sus padres descubrieran que era un [[brumoso]] y lo abandonaran.{{book ref|mb3|23}}
Prior to joining [[Kelsier's crew]] Clubs worked as a master carpenter and was a Skaa merchant in Luthadel. His woodworking shop, which also operated base of operations and hideout for Kelsier's crew was known as a prominent Skaa Craftsman's shop.{{book ref|mb1|6}} Before this, Cladent worked as a soldier in the [[Lord Ruler]]’s army with some level command. During his time fighting in the southeast, he [[Snapping|Snapped]], becoming a [[Smoker]].{{wob ref|7707}}{{wob ref|7544}} After being injured and discharged, Clubs joined the underground. Once he opened up his shop, he employed several apprentice carpenters.{{book ref|mb1|2}} He 'adopted' his nephew, [[Spook]], after he snapped and started showing signs of being able to use allomancy. He traded Spook's father a bag of coins in exchange for not killing him, and then took him back to Luthadel.{{book ref|mb3|23}}
=== The Skaa Rebellion ===
==== Kelsier's Crew ====
{{image|Clubs portraitwith hat by Marie Seeberger.pngjpg|side=leftright|width=230px}}
Once Kelsier's crew used Club's shop as a secret base of operations in Luthadel, he was tasked with maintaining a [[coppercloud]] around his shop to protect those inside from prying [[Seeker]]s. He also serves as host for the crew, offering them a place to sleep, eat and bathe as needed. While essential to the crew, Clubs rarely leaves the shop as he is the crews primary Smoker, though he also employs many assistant carpenters who are also Smokers.{{book ref|mb1|7}}
==== The Skaa Riots & Death of the Lord Ruler ====
After Kelsier has been killed and the skaa begin to riot and fight back in his name, it is revealed by Renoux that Clubs was Kelsiers chosen crew member to lead the skaa in their direct attack on Kredik Shaw.{{book ref|mb1|35}} After the [[Lord Ruler]] was defeated, Elend appointed Clubs as the general of his armies.{{book ref|mb2|6}}
Clubs was not known to be a religious man, and so he disliked Captain [[Demoux]] preaching the [[Church of the Survivor]] to his troops.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
La banda de Kelsier utilizaba la tienda de Clubs como base secreta de operaciones en Luthadel. Como la mayoría de los ahumadores, se le encargó mantener una [[nube de cobre]] alrededor de su taller para proteger a los que estaban dentro de los [[buscador]]es indiscretos. Después de que el [[lord Legislador]] fuera derrotado, Elend nombró a Clubs general de sus ejércitos.{{book ref|mb2|6}}
Although Clubs came to befriend Breeze. The two often spent time in the evenings conversing and drinking at Keep Venture.
==== The Battle of Luthadel ====
Before the [[Battle of Luthadel]], [[Sazed]] tried to teach him about the religion of [[Dadradah]], which focuses on art and craftsmanship. Sazed remarked that the care that Clubs devoted to his carpentry showed his true passion to be art, not warfare. As a token of the Dadradah faith, he also gives Clubs a small wooden disk carved with the image of a brush.{{book ref|mb2|50}} During the battle itself, Clubs ends up fighting at Zinc gate with Breeze nearby.{{book ref|mb2|52}}
MurióHe durantedied laduring batallathe deBattle of Luthadel, asesinadokilled porby una [[koloss]] mientraswhile salvabasaving a BrisaBreeze.{{book ref|mb2|53}} MásLater tardeon, Sazed encontrófound elthe discowooden dedisk maderathat quehe le dio agave Clubs atadotied alto cadáverthe delman's hombrecorpse.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
No le gustaba que el capitán [[Demoux]] predicara la [[Iglesia del Superviviente]] a sus tropas.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
== Relationships ==
Clubs se hizo amigo de Brisa. Los dos pasaban a menudo las tardes conversando y bebiendo en la Fortaleza Venture.
=== Spook ===
|I just wanted to show you what real carpenters are up to, old man.
|Spook{{book ref|mb2|6}}
Spook spent the majority of his life with Clubs. Being rescued by Clubs as a small child, Clubs was a father figure to Spook.{{book ref|mb3|53}} They had a peculiar relationship and once Spook gained confidence and began to grow out of his awkward boyish nature, he would often refer to Clubs as "Uncle Crusty."{{book ref|mb3|6}} Spook often worked as an errand boy for Clubs at his carpentry shop and generally liked to be close to Clubs{{book ref|mb1|5}} Before the [[Battle of Luthadel]] Clubs sent Spook away with Vin and Elend to find the [[Well of Ascension]] in the north. Clubs knew when he sent Spook with Elend and Vin, that he would never see him again, that he was saying "goodbye."{{book ref|mb2|51}}
=== Breeze ===
Antes de la [[Batalla de Luthadel]], [[Sazed]] intentó enseñarle la religión de [[Dadradah]], que se centra en el arte y la artesanía. Sazed comentó que el cuidado que Clubs dedicaba a su carpintería demostraba que su verdadera pasión era el arte, no la guerra. Como muestra de la fe dadradah, también le da a Clubs un pequeño disco de madera tallado con la imagen de un pincel.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
|You're not as bad as most
|Clubs talking to Breeze about Soothers{{book ref|mb2|36}}
Clubs has a special relationship with Breeze, and one that had developed over time. Initially, Clubs did not like Breeze at all, and felt that he could not trust him. Feeling that Breeze was especially skilled at manipulating people.{{book ref|mb1|5}} Their relationship grew however, to the point where they began meeting together every night to share a drink and each others company.{{book ref|mb2|36}} During the Battle of Luthadel, Clubs saves Breeze from death by pushing him out of the way of a [[Koloss]]' sword, which resulted in Clubs nearly being cut in-two.{{book ref|mb2|53}}
=== Sazed ===
Murió durante la batalla de Luthadel, asesinado por un [[koloss]] mientras salvaba a Brisa.{{book ref|mb2|53}} Más tarde, Sazed encontró el disco de madera que le dio a Clubs atado al cadáver del hombre.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
|You must live as a soldier...But you can still dream like an artist. Here. I had this made for you. It is a symbol of the Dadradah faith. To its people, being an artist was a higher calling, even, than being a priest.
|Sazed to Clubs{{book ref|mb2|50}}
Initially Clubs and Sazed did not have much interaction, however; as time went on they began to spend more and more time together. During one of their final interactions before the Battle of Luthadel, Sazed suggests a religion for Clubs. He mentions that after a conversation about situational morality, he thought of the religion of Dadradah. Initially Clubs was not interested in hearing about the religion at all, but Sazed noted that the followers of Dadradah were artists, and that they believed that art drew one closer to God. Upon hearing this information, Clubs was more inclined to listen. Sazed noticed the care and skill that Clubs put into his woodworking in his shop, before the fall of the Lord Ruler. Sazed had a wooden disk of the symbol for the Dadradah faith made for Clubs, which Sazed later found clutched in his hand after he had been killed by the Koloss.
== Curiosidades Trivia==
* Clubs ibawas aoriginally sergoing originalmenteto elbe the team's [[buscadorSeeker]] de la banda, siendowith [[Marsh]] elbeing ahumador.the Losteam's papelesSmoker. seThey intercambiaronwere antesswapped de quebefore Brandon empezarastarting awriting escribirThe ElFinal Imperio FinalEmpire.{{wob ref|5382}}{{wob ref|7827}}
== NotasNotes ==
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{{Mistborn|Era 1}}