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At the [[Battle of Narak]], he and [[Drehy]] were assigned to guard [[Adolin]]. He helped save Adolin from plummeting into a chasm by grabbing and holding onto the steel link skirt of his [[shardplate]]. {{book ref|sa2|84}}
Two weeks after the [[Battle of Narak]], of Bridge Four only Skar, [[Rlain]] and [[Dabbid]] are unable to draw in [[stormlight]]. Skar tries to not feel sorry for himself, but worries that he will no longer be useful in Bridge Four. Skar also doesn't want the other members of Bridge Four to pity him or to console him, he wants things to remain as they are and for them to see him as a good solider.{{book ref|sa3|46}}
During a Bridge Four training exercise Skar is helping [[Sigzil]] and other members of Bridge Four measure and test out the abilities of someone infused with stormlight. For one test he runs a mile through the markets of [[Urithiru]] to the ramp of the [[Oathgate]], comparing his time to [[Drehy]] who was did the same run while powered by stormlight. While waiting for Kaladin to show up and activate the Oathgate, Skar and Teft have a conversation regarding Skar's place in Bridge Four. Skar vents his frustrations to [[Teft]] about not gaining his powers and Teft notes that there is nothing wrong with being on the support team. Skar vehemently disagrees with the notion, telling Teft how long he waited to hold a spear and get a chance to prove himself as a warrior. {{book ref|sa3|46}}
During the [[Battle of Kholinar]], Skar plays a big part in the battle being one of the better warriors in the humans group. He moves back and forth from fighting with Kaladin to helping protect [[Shallan]] as she attempts to fight the [[Unmade]] that have infiltrated Kholinar. Skar was not among those on the Oathgate to be transferred to the [[Shadesmar]]. It is assumed he and Drehy remained in Kholinar trying to find a way to escape. {{book ref|sa3|83}}
After the [[Battle of Thaylen CityField]], Kaladin travels to cave on a coast in [[Alethkar]] on information received from [[spanreed]]. Once entering the cave he finds that Skar and Drehy have survived the Battle of Kholinar, having covered their tattoos and scars with ash. Not only have they survived, they also managed to protect Elhokar's son and heir to the Alethi throne, [[Gavinor]]. {{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Notes ==
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