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'''Chet Starfinder''' ises a uniqueun [[delverzapador]] thatpeculiar hasque hadha severaltenido encountersvarios withencuentros humanscon humanos. PriorAntes de toencontrarse meetingcon [[Spensa]] inen thela [[nowhereninguna-parte]], hese gavedio himselfun anombre namey andse assembledconstruyó aun body for himselfcuerpo, modelingmodelándolo itsegún afterel thecuerpo bodyy andla personalitypersonalidad ofdel [[Spears|Commandercomandante Spears]], el antiguo piloto de [[M-Bot]]'s old pilot.{{book ref|sky3|39}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
|Tengo que… verme a mí mismo como un héroe, como el caballero explorador, querido y leal. Porque si no soy eso, bueno… Lo que pasa es que… es lo único que me queda de lo que fui. Esos sueños, esas aspiraciones.
|It's in the persona, you understand. I… I must see myself as a hero, the gentleman explorer, beloved and trusted. Because if I'm not that, well…Well then… That is all I have left of what I once was. Those dreams, those aspirations.
|Chet to Spensa{{book ref|sky3|18}}
Chet hastiene aun flairdon forpara thelo dramaticdramático, andy likesle togusta cultivatecultivar theel airaire ofde aun gentlemanlyexplorador explorercaballeroso. HeLe likesgustan boldlas actionacciones andaudaces daringy planslos planes atrevidos, thoughaunque aen gran lotparte ofse ittrata isde bravadobravuconadas.{{book ref|sky3|4}} HePrincipalmente mainlymantiene keepsuna upimagen a confident personasegura, thoughaunque sometimesa letsveces hisbaja guardla downguardia withcon Spensa.{{book ref|sky3|18}}
Chet modeledmodeló hissu bodycuerpo topara lookparecerse likeal that ofde Spears. HeLleva wearsuna achaqueta flightde jacketvuelo andy combatpantalones trousersde combate. HeAparenta appearsunos tocincuenta be in his fiftiesaños,{{book ref|cytonic|4}} andy hastiene silveringel hairpelo plateado.{{book ref|sky3|8}} HeTiene isla squaremandíbula jawedcuadrada, musculares formusculoso hispara age,su andedad withy aluce largeun mustachegran thatbigote sticksque outle asobresale goodunos fifteenquince centimeterscentímetros onpor eithercada sidelado.{{book ref|cytonic|4}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
As a delver, Chet is capable of FTL travel,{{book ref|sky2|42}} detecting cytonics either in the nowhere or in the somewhere,{{book ref|sky2|43}} and projecting illusions.{{book ref|sky2|43}} He can form a body and change his appearance, as evidenced by his making of his new body.{{book ref|sky3|39}} He also has the ability to detect radio signals,{{book ref|sky2|44}} and can shoot embers to defend himself when in the somewhere.{{book ref|sky2|22}}
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