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'''Chet Starfinder''' is a unique [[delver]], comingthat uphas withhad hisseveral ownencounters namewith humans. priorPrior to meeting [[Spensa]]. Hein the [[nowhere]], he gave himself a name and assemblesassembled a body for himself, modeling it after the body and personality of [[Spears|Commander Spears]], [[M-Bot]]'s old pilot.{{book ref|sky3|39}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Chet said he was uncertain, but eagerly presented the idea of Spensa exploring the nowhere with him. He genuinely enjoyed traveling with her, and wanted to do it more.{{book ref|sky3|36}} Spensa decided to reject the deal, and her and Chet unlocked the next portal and its memories. It showed [[Jason Write]] with his AI, modeled after [[Lanna Write|his dead wife]]. Spensa realized that Chet is a delver, and he confessed, telling her about making his new body and explaining what happened. He told her that he genuinely enjoyed their time together, and asked that Spensa not hate him. Chet told Spensa that the last step in the Path of Elders is at [[Solitary Shadow]], a fragment extremely close to the lightburst. Chet, Spensa, [[Hesho]], Doomslug, and M-Bot all flew towards Solitary Shadow to finish the Path and get back to Detritus.{{book ref|sky3|39}}
=== Final Confrontation ===
In the flight to Solitary Shadow, Chet explained more about delvers and AI to Spensa and the others. He also told her that the delvers will do anything to stop them, and will likely form physical bodies.{{book ref|sky3|40}} At Solitary Shadow, they tapped into the final set of memories. The memories showed how Jason's AI deleted its memories and personality, then copied itself exponentially and became the delvers. Chet advised Spensa that they needed to make the delvers each feel isolated and alone. The delvers became enraged at the revealing of their secrets, and Chet and the others took off for the lightburst at full speed.{{book ref|sky3|42}}
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