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(Undo revision 50277 by Arook (talk))
[[File: Herald Glyph Chan-a-rach.svg|thumb|150px|Chan-a-rach's Symbol]]
{{quote|And Chana help the man or woman who stood between [[Navani]] and one of her own|[[Dalinar]]s thoughts when [[Navani]] acts protectively.{{book ref|sa2|75}}}}
'''Chanarach''' is one of the ten [[Herald]]s of the [[Almighty]] on [[Roshar]]. Also known as '''Chanaranach''' in [[Vorinism]]. Her nickname is '''Chana'''. She is associated with the number chach, the essence Spark, and the divine attributes of Brave and Obedient.{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} She is the patron of the [[Order of Dustbringers]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
Chanarach has not yet been shown in person but appears to have been a young woman when she became a [[herald]].
== History ==
At some point in the past she met with [[Honor|The Almighty]] and agreed to act as one of his [[Herald]]s in the [[Oathpact]].At [[Aharietiam]] she abandoned her oath along with 8 other [[herald]]s, leaving her [[honorblade|honourblade]] left in the ground at the location of the final battle and departing for parts unknown.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}}
It is not known how she has spent her time after but it is highly likely that she is still alive, as it has been confirmed that at least 3 other [[herald]]s have survived this long.{{book ref|sa1|I|7}}{{book ref|sa2|I|9}}
== Abilities ==
Chanarach is likely a capable swordswoman and [[surgebinder]], having survived [[Aharietiam]].In the story told to [[Kaladin]] about [[Fleet]] it is mentioned that he had won a foot race against Chana at some point, and this was used to indicate his incredible speed.This makes it likely that she was known for her speed.{{book ref|sa2|59}}
It is likely that she is unable to age like the other [[Herald]]s, thus granting a functional immortality of sorts.
As the [[herald]] associated with the [[Order of Dustbringers|Releasers]] it is likely that she could bind the [[surge]]s of [[surgebinding#division|division]] and [[surgebinding#abrasion|abrasion]].