Diferencia entre revisiones de «Catacendro»

1 byte añadido ,  hace 2 años
Undo revision 156517 by (talk) This has been previously addressed and decided that Kelsier was closer to Sliver than full Ascension
(This should be labeled as the third time after Vin and Kelsier)
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(Undo revision 156517 by (talk) This has been previously addressed and decided that Kelsier was closer to Sliver than full Ascension)
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|books=[[Mistborn (series)]]
The '''Catacendre''', or '''Final Ascension''', is a major event on [[Scadrial]] and in the [[Cosmere]] as a whole. It marked the merging of [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] into a single [[Shard]], [[Harmony]]. It is the thirdsecond time a new [[Vessel]] has ascended to take a Shard (after [[Vin]] and [[Kelsier]] held Preservation) and the first time a new Vessel has ascended long-term.{{cite}}
== Lead-up ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
