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After his final conversation with [[Elend]], Leras finally died, leaving [[Preservation]] without a Vessel.{{book ref|mb3|55}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|56}} It would have quickly been absorbed by [[Vin]], who was specially attuned to Preservation's power, except for the fact that she was still wearing her [[Vin's earring|earring]], which was [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgically charged]], acting as a repulsive factor.{{epigraph ref|mb3|79}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|epilogue}} The [[Cognitive Shadow]] of [[Kelsier]] was able to partially absorb the power of Preservation, helping to delay Ruin's destruction of the world, but could not wield its full power.{{msh ref|6|4}}
During Vin's final battle with all of Ruin's [[Feruchemy|Feruchemically enhanced]] [[Steel Inquisitors]] above [[Kredik Shaw]] in the abandoned [[Luthadel]], [[Marsh]] tore out Vin's earring, with Kelsier using all of his strength to distract Ruin and help push Marsh's last vestige of willpower to rebel. As a he was both a [[Cognitive Shadow]] and well-[[Connection|Connected]] to Ruin, Kelsier could not use the entirety of Preservation's power, and therefore gave it to Vin after the spike was removed.{{msh ref|6|4}}{{msh ref|6|7}} Her body broken under the assault, Vin finally drew in the full power of Preservation, allowing her to nearly destroy all of the Inquisitors (save Marsh), and flatten Kredik Shaw, before fully Ascending.{{book ref|mb3|73}}
Ruin initially allowed Vin (as Preservation) to flail about with her newfound power, knowing she would make mistakes. By clearing the air of ash, she allowed the too-near sun to bake the world in its deadly heat. Rotating the planet into night, to protect people from the sun's rays, she caused a massive tsunami, wiping out the coastline. As she reached to stop the tsunami, realizing she must be more subtle, Ruin stepped in to block her, taunting her failures. However, the two were at an impasse, as their power was evenly matched.{{book ref|mb3|76}} This was because a part of Ruin's "body", in the form of [[atium]], had been hidden away by the [[Lord Ruler]] and the [[kandra]] in the secret [[Kandra homeland]] located adjacent to the [[Pits of Hathsin]], kept secret in the [[Trustwarren]]. But the two were still able to influence those who wielded their [[investiture]]: [[Allomancy]] and Hemalurgy. This allowed Ruin to discover the secret cache by taking control of [[KanPaar]] following his coup of the [[First Generation]] and breaking of the [[First Contract]] and the [[Resolution]]. However, most of the kandra remained loyal when Ruin began to take hold and carried out the Resolution, removing their [[Blessing]]s and sacrificing their sentience.{{book ref|mb3|75}}{{book ref|mb3|79}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|80}}
