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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Singer a Cantor: Traducción al español)
|The betrayal of spren has brought us here.<!--
--><br/>They gave their Surges to human heirs,<!--
--><br/>But not to those who know them most dear, before us.<!--
--><br/>’Tis no surprise we turned away<!--
--><br/>Unto the gods we spent our days<!--
--><br/>And to become their molding clay, they changed us.
|[[Song of Secrets]], 40th Stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|28}}
{{image|Call to Adventure - Willshaper.png|side=right|width=250px|A femalen singer}}
Singers are humanoid, but not entirely human-like. The most apparent sign of their alien nature is their skin; it's covered in marblings, swirls of various colors - red, black or white.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Most singers have two-colored skin, either red-black or red-white; the marblings can appear in various way, both as delicate swirls and large, wind-swept patterns.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}{{book ref|sa3|116}} There are singers whose skin has all three colors, but they are extremely rare.{{book ref|sa3|54}}{{book ref|sa4|45}} The color whitening at the edges is a sign of age.{{book ref|sa4|62}} Their hair is typically orange or red -- colors that don't seem to naturally occur for Rosharan humans.{{wob ref|5782}}{{book ref|sa3|109}} There is a relationship between the color of singer hair and their individual marbling colors.{{wob ref|14827}}
Apart from their multicolored skin, singers have other features that differentiate them from humans. They grow faster compared to humans but have slightly shorter lifespans.{{wob ref|13401}}{{book ref|sa4|83}} In the [[listener]]s' culture, [[Venli]] started to learn about singing as a keeper of songs at age three and is considered adult at age ten.{{book ref|sa4|83}} Their bodies have carapace growing over some parts of them; where and how much depends on what form the singer is currently in, but they typically cover the head and the arms.{{book ref|sa3|55}} In addition, their teeth are built differently than human ones; their molars allow them to chew through shells, and their metabolism is geared towards metabolizing it, allowing them to make better use of the local fauna.{{wob ref|2778}} Their eyes are also inhuman - all black, with no whites in the corners and no visible iris.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
Like many local species, singers possess [[gemheart]]s, though theirs are clouded white, and fused to their sternum.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} Those gemhearts allow them to bond with [[spren]], letting them change their '''forms''', leading to a change in both appearance and some mental faculty.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Due to their gemhearts, singers do not leak [[Lights]] like humans do.{{book ref|sa4|31}}
Singers can drink crem without getting sick.{{wob ref|11570}}
Despite those differences, singers are like humans in many [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] aspects. Like humans, they can receive boons and curses from the [[Nightwatcher]].{{wob ref|1378}} They can also bond [[spren]] to attain [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] powers, though most spren are unwilling to reach out for such a bond.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Singers can see the reality of the spren more closely than a human.{{book ref|sa4|48}} They also don't get cold as easily as humans.{{book ref|sa4|102}}
=== Sexes and reproduction ===
== Forms ==
{{image|Parshendi by Javier Corpas.png|side=left|width=250px|A femalen singer}}
By bonding various [[spren]] in the [[highstorm]] or [[Everstorm]], [[singer]]sSingers are capable of changing their '''form''', leading to a different appearance, capabilities and even mental state, as well as changing subtly their [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual aspect]].{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}{{wob ref|3862}} It is possible that the forms also alter [[Identity]].{{wob ref|12722}} SingersNew forms come with a level of instinctual understanding{{book ref|sa4|81}} ​Singers can maintain their form indefinitely, without needing to resupply with [[stormlight]] or [[voidlight]], and can use the abilities granted by the form without needing additional fuel.{{wob ref|11340}} New forms could exist.{{wob ref|14296}}
The forms are specializations, and gear the singer towards a particular purpose; for example, warform grants armor and increased strength, making it suitable for combat, while nimbleform grants dexterity, making it good for delicate tasks.{{book ref|sa2|79}}{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} There are also more specific forms, such as artform for creative endeavours, or mateform for breeding.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Aside from dullform, every form is associated with a specific type of spren.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} Ordinarily, what spren a singer will bond -- and thus what form they'll assume -- depends on their mindset during the highstorm. However, capturing a spren in a gemstone and bringing it into the storm all but ensures that a specific form will be selected.{{book ref|sa2|i|5}} Bonding to a [[Sja-anat|corrupted]] spren will give different results.{{wob ref|15322}}
When changing forms, a singer may temporarily not be able to hear certain rhythms, or hear pure tones.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
[[Hemalurgy]] could also be used to replicate the transformation of the forms.{{wob ref|3471}}
Dullform was one of the two forms the [[Last Legion]] was left with after breaking away from the rest of the singers, alongside mateform. It was largely abandoned as other forms were rediscovered. However, [[listener]] spies still used it when infiltrating the human warcamps, thanks to its similarity to slaveform.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
Singer children are born in dullform, though for them, it is more vibrant and less cloudy; a property it loses as the singer ages.{{book ref|sa4|68}} The listeners call this subtype of dullform "childform".{{wob ref|14067}} They need to take another form around the age of seven or eight.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
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Warform gives listeners an armor-like carapace, and makes them taller and bulkier than other forms.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book Itref|sa4|68}} alsoThe carapace armor is designed to trap air and push it up underneath to cool the singer.{{book ref|sa4|81}} It grants them vastly increased strength; a singer in warform can leap over a chasm of the [[Shattered Plains]] with a running start.{{book ref|sa2|i|5}} Stamina is greatly increased, allowing singers to run for hours without strain.{{book ref|sa4|81}} It also deepens their voice.{{book ref|sa4|68}} Out of all the forms known to the listeners, warform requires the most food, but is also the most durable, and a warform singer heals faster than they would in any other form.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}{{book ref|sa4|81}} Mentally, the warform has less impact than most others; it makes one more pragmatic and slightly more inclined towards violence.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} It also severely hampers artistic ability, and is not well-equipped to handle abstractions.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Singers in warform are bonded with [[Spren#Painspren|painspren]].{{book ref|sa4|68}}
The first listeners to enter warform heard the pure tone of Honor.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
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{{image|Workform by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=200px}}
Workform endows increased strength, though it lacks the armor; rather, singers in workform are limber and rugged. It's better suited for labor, and most workers use it; however, it is also sometimes used when fighting.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa3|115}} Singers in workform have carapace in ridges along the backs of their hands, and no carapace on the rest of their body.{{book ref|sa4|62}} They are also fairly resistant to cold weather.{{book ref|sa4|68}} While in workform, singers are more obedient, and have greater difficulty committing violence, forcing one to find peaceful solutions to various problems.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} It's also considered more flexible than warform.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}} Singers in workform are bonded with [[Spren#Gravitationspren|gravitationspren]].{{book ref|sa4|11}}
The first listeners to bond workform heard the pure tone of Cultivation.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
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{{image|Nimbleform by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=200px}}
Singers are connected to rhythms, the underlying "beats" of the [[cosmere]] that manifest particularly strongly on [[Roshar]].{{wob ref|7414}}{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} There are numerous rhythms, and singers can attune to any one of them. Each rhythm represents a certain state of mind, emotion or feeling; when not paying attention, singers will attune to the rhythm that corresponds to their mood, but can also attune another to fit with their message. This attuning manifests as hearing the beat of the rhythm in one's head.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} All rhythms connect the singers to each other and [[Roshar]] itself.{{wob ref|13451}} This, and their regular nature, allows the singers to use the rhythms for measuring time, among others.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}{{book ref|sa4|74}}
The singers speak and sing to the rhythms; they carry the singers' emotions, as well as add meaning to their words. However, not all forms can attune the rhythms equally. Dullform can only hear them weakly; slaveform cannot hear them at all.{{book ref|sa3|55}} Additionally, those infused with the power of [[Odium]], mainly the [[Regal]]s and the [[Fused]], can only hear Odium's rhythms, also called the Rhythms of Power. Those rhythms, while similar to regular ones, are usually more violent and aggressive, and represent more twisted, angrier emotions -- for example, Ridicule replaces Amusement, and Command approximates Appreciation.{{book ref|sa3|i|3}}{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} They also feel and sound different than the ordinary rhythms.{{wob ref|1682}}
== History ==
=== The Dawnsingers ===
The newly restored singers assumed seemingly random forms.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} Their attitudes were similar to those of the humans they spent their entire lives around -- the [[Alethi]] singers were angry and warlike, the [[Azish]] singers wished to negotiate with the government, and the [[Thaylen]] singers stole ships and sailed away. Most of them, however, were quickly swept up by the [[Fused]], who have returned and seek to create new armies with which to conquer Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
To make these new singers more combat-ready, the Fused employed not only their natural anger at their former oppressors, but also hefty amounts of propaganda, most notably using the supposedly last [[listener]], [[Venli]], as their mouthpiece.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} However, many singers are still apprehensive about fighting humans, and some outright wish that peace was an option.{{book ref|sa3|121}} Some singers use the term ''essai'' to describe a human supporter (though the actual translation means "hairy").{{book ref|sa4|60}}
== Known singer groups ==
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