Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cantor»

37 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
This is unpublished content, so I'd move that to Trivia
m (This is unpublished content, so I'd move that to Trivia)
Apart from their multicolored skin, singers have other features that differentiate them from humans. They grow faster compared to humans but have slightly shorter lifespans.{{wob ref|13401}} Their bodies have carapace growing over some parts of them; where and how much depends on what form the singer is currently in, but they typically cover the head and the arms.{{book ref|sa3|55}} In addition, their teeth are built differently than human ones; their molars allow them to chew through shells, and their metabolism is geared towards metabolizing it, allowing them to make better use of the local fauna.{{wob ref|2778}} Their eyes are also inhuman - all black, with no whites in the corners and no visible iris.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
Like many local species, singers possess [[gemheart]]s, though theirs are clouded white, and fused to their sternum.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} Those gemhearts allow them to bond with [[spren]], letting them change their '''forms''', leading to a change in both appearance and some mental faculty.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Singer gemhearts are related to Tamu Keks, which may be a term for [[fainlife]].{{wob ref|10319}}
Singers can drink crem without getting sick.{{wob ref|11570}}
* [[Fused]] - [[Cognitive Shadow]]s of singers bound to [[Odium]]
* [[Voidbringer]]s - general name for all singers (as well as humans) who work for [[Odium]]
== Trivia ==
* Singer gemhearts are related to Tamu Keks, a type of bone from an early draft of ''[[Dragonsteel]]''.{{wob ref|10319}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
