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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Mistspren a Brumaspren: Traducción al español)
{{in progress}}
|image=Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren.jpg
|abilities=[[NahelVínculo bondNahel]], magia de los [[TruthwatcherVigilantes de la Verdad]] magic, {{tag+|Splinter}}s
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
|Encuentro fascinantes las preguntas. Las cosas que dudáis me revelan mucho.
|I find the questions fascinating. What you wonder tells me so much.
|[[DreamingSoñando-thoughaunque-AwakeDespierta]]{{book ref|sa4|24}}
Los '''Mistsprenbrumaspren''' areson aun subsettipo ofde [[spren]] thatque existexisten onen [[Roshar]]. TheySon arecapaces capablede ofestablecer forming aun [[Nahelvínculo bondNahel]], grantingotorgando peopleasí thea abilitieslas ofpersonas thelas habilidades de la [[OrderOrden de los Vigilantes de ofla TruthwatchersVerdad]].{{book ref|sa4|22}} TheyEstán aremás closercerca tode CultivationCultivación thanque tode Honor.{{wob ref|2114}}
== AppearanceApariencia ==
{{image|MistsprenGlys FelCandyBonnie Johnson.pngJPG|side=left|width=250px200px}}
|We usually choose a shape like a person, but we don't need to.
=== Physical Realm ===
MistsprenIn the [[Physical Realm]], mistspren resemble the shimmer light makes on a surface when it is reflected through a crystal in the [[Physical Realm]].{{book ref|sa3|104}} When they stay still, light grows upwards from them in the shape of plants, which retreat when they start moving.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}} When Enlightened by [[Sja-anat]], they take on a different form -- that of a red crystal dripping light upward.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
When Enlightened by [[Sja-anat]], they take on a different form -- that of a red crystal dripping light upward.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], mistspren have bodies made out of fog, and a porcelain mask on their face. Their clothes are not part of their essence, but interact with their body as though it was solid.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Their masks twinkle when they catch the light, and almost appear to be made of translucent crystal. The mask's expression does not change, and the lips do not move when the mistspren speaks. Though they generally are humanoid, mistspren are capable of taking on other forms, unlike most sapient spren.{{file ref|Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren.jpg|text=Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren}}{{book ref|sa4|22}} It is unknown how a corrupted Mistspren would appear in the Cognitive Realm.
=== Cognitive Realm ===
Mistspren voices seem to have a tinkling or chiming quality.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}{{book ref|sa4|22}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], mistspren have bodies made out of fog, and a porcelain mask on their face.{{file ref|Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren.jpg|text=Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren}} Their clothes are not part of their essence, but interact with their body as though it was solid.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Their masks twinkle when they catch the light, and almost appear to be made of translucent crystal.{{file ref|Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren.jpg|text=Shallan's Sketchbook - Mistspren}} The mask's expression does not change, and the lips do not move when the mistspren speaks. Though they generally are humanoid, mistspren are capable of taking on other forms, unlike most sapient spren.{{filebook ref|Shallan'ssa4|22}} SketchbookMistspren -voices Mistspren.jpg|text=Shallan'sseem Sketchbookto -have Mistsprena tinkling or chiming quality.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}{{book ref|sa4|22}} It is unknown how a corrupted Mistspren would appear in the Cognitive Realm.
It is unknown how a corrupted Mistspren would appear in the Cognitive Realm.
== Culture ==
{{image|Mistspren FelCandy.png|side=left|width=250px}}
Mistspren in general are curious; the idea of seeing something through a new perspective, or finding out how other creatures think, seems interesting to them.{{book ref|sa4|24}}{{book ref|sa4|i|2}} Perhaps for this reason, they are the most willing to be Enlightened by [[Sja-anat]], and many go to her willingly to be transformed.{{wob ref|14512}}{{book ref|sa4|54}} They seem highly empathetic and supportive of their [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]].{{book ref|sa4|111}}{{book ref|sa4|117}} They aren't opposed to bonding [[singer]]s, though it's unknown how prevalent this attitude is among them.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], many mistspren work aboard [[honorspren]] ships as regular crewmembers. They are noted as doing all the work aboard the ships, but do not seem to be particularly despondent about it.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Despite being able to assume many different shapes, they generally prefer using a humanoid one.{{book ref|sa4|24}} There seems to be two prevalent naming schemes among them - descriptive, like [[Dreaming-though-Awake]], and seemingly meaningless, like [[Glys]] and [[Tumi]]. It's unclear if this is because Dreaming-though-Awake comes from a different culture than the others, or if the latter two took on new names upon being Enlightened.
== Abilities ==
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], mistspren can change their form into non-humanoid shapes.{{book ref|sa4|24}} It's unknown how much control over their form they have in the Physical, although the corrupted spren, at least, can hide themselves inside the bodies of their bonded [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa3|116}} They can also enter the [[gemheart]]s of various creatures; in case of [[cremling]]s, this gives them some ability to control their direction.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
=== Nahel bond ===
They can form a [[Nahel bond]] to make a person a [[Truthwatcher]], in exchange for retaining their sapience in the [[Physical Realm]]. Ordinarily, they grant their partner the abilities of [[Progression]] and [[Illumination]], allowing for healing and creating illusions. In a bond altered by [[Sja-anat]], the Progression surge is retained, while Illumination isn't fully functional.{{book ref|sa4|6}} However, Enlightened mistspren grant their partner the ability to see visions of the future. In a more advanced bond, the mistspren can also record the vision and re-view it later.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
== Culture ==
{{image|Mistspren FelCandy.png|side=right|width=200px}}
Mistspren in general are curious; the idea of seeing something through a new perspective, or finding out how other creatures think, seems interesting to them.{{book ref|sa4|24}}{{book ref|sa4|i|2}} Perhaps for this reason, they are the most willing to be Enlightened by [[Sja-anat]], and many go to her willingly to be transformed.{{wob ref|14512}}{{book ref|sa4|54}} They seem highly empathetic and supportive of their [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]].{{book ref|sa4|111}}{{book ref|sa4|117}} They aren't opposed to bonding [[singer]]s, though it's unknown how prevalent this attitude is among them.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], many mistspren work aboard [[honorspren]] ships as regular crewmembers. They are noted as doing all the work aboard the ships, but do not seem to be particularly despondent about it.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Despite being able to assume many different shapes, they generally prefer using a humanoid one.{{book ref|sa4|24}} There seems to be two prevalent naming schemes among them - descriptive, like [[Dreaming-though-Awake]], and seemingly meaningless, like [[Glys]] and [[Tumi]]. It's unclear if this is because Dreaming-though-Awake comes from a different culture than the others, or if the latter two took on new names upon being Enlightened.
== Notable Mistspren ==
* [[Glys]] (bonded to [[Renarin]])
* [[Tumi]] (bonded to [[Rlain]])
* [[Dreaming-though-Awake]] (bonded to [[Arshqqam]])
== Trivia ==
* Mistspren weren't originally intended to be Radiant spren.{{wob ref|9539}}
== NotesNotas ==
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