Diferencia entre revisiones de «Brumas»

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m (removed the merge tag, I think this was settled)
m (→‎Post-Ascension: Grammar and typos)
== Post-Ascension ==
The Mists during the Lord Rulers reign appeared every night timetim, Providingproviding a dense fog that obscuresobscured everything. They actacted in a different fashion than normal fog and never appeared during the day time. The Mists willwould disperse soon after entering a structure or tent wafting in with misty tendrils then dissipating. The [[Skaa]] fearing the Mists and the [[Mistwraith]]s stayed in doors at night time and only went out into the mist when absolutely necessary. Nobles however did not have the same pathological fear of the mists and even named their most powerful warriors after it, although the title [[Allomancer#Mistborn|Mistborn]] may be something The Lord Ruler gave them because he knew the true nature of the Mist and the [[Lerasium]] he gave his friends. The Mists during this time did not seem to Snap people however Mostmost noblemen would have been Snapped as a child and [[Skaa]] pathologically hid from the Mists. [[Skaa]] that did go out in the Mist and were snapped could have very easily justified [[Skaa]] fears of the Mist preventing more snapping from occouringoccurring. AdditionlyAdditionally the fact that unless they specifically tested for it a [[Skaa]] [[misting]] my never know heif wasthey were one or if they did find out may choosehave chosen to hidhide the fact because being a [[Misting]] meant death for [[Skaa]] in the Final Empire.
== After the Final Ascension ==