Diferencia entre revisiones de «Bronce»

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m (Arcanized references)
== Allomantic Use ==
A bronze [[Misting]] is known as a '''Seeker'''. When an Allomancer burns bronze, he is able to detect nearby use of Allomancy.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} The Seeker feels pulses, like beats of a drum, emanating from the person burning a metal. The metals are grouped into fast and slow, pushing and pulling, and have their own signature feel. This is how it is known that bronze is a Pushing metal, while copper is Pulling.{{book ref|mb1|20}} If someone were able to burn the amount of Bronze needed to become an Allomantic [[savant]] with the metal, they would be able to pierce [[Copper|copperclouds]].{{qawob ref|1163date=2015-10-09|424303|SoShadows canof bronzeSelf savantsSan pierceFrancisco Copperclouds?|date=October 2015signing}} A savant would also be able to tell the difference between regular Allomancy and [[Compounding]].{{wob ref|2293}}
It is possible to detect the use of Feruchemy by burning bronze. It is also theoretically possible to detect any Investiture actively being used.{{17swob ref|postdate=2014-03-22|3369016649|text=SomeoneWords askedof BrandonRadiance aboutChicago Allomanticsigning}} bronzeA detectingsavant Feruchemy.|date=Octwould 8th,also 2015be able to tell the difference between regular Allomancy and [[Compounding]].{{wob ref|2293}}
It is possible to detect the use of Feruchemy by burning bronze. It is also theoretically possible to detect any Investiture actively being used.{{17s ref|post|336901|text=Someone asked Brandon about Allomantic bronze detecting Feruchemy.|date=Oct 8th, 2015}}
== Feruchemical Use ==