Diferencia entre revisiones de «Braize»

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(updated to include information from Oathbringer about the origin of the humans on Roshar.)
(Added spoiler tag)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Braize''' is a [[Shardworld]] in [[Greater Roshar]], the same system as [[Roshar]] and [[Ashyn]].{{17s ref|topic|3934|text=Q&A at Spokane B&N|date=09 August 2013}}. It is the third planet from the system's sun.{{map ref|Roshar system}}
[[Odium]] is currently on Braize, although his presence is still felt on Roshar.{{17s ref|topic|3934|text=Q&A at Spokane B&N|date=09 August 2013}} Braize is, according to [[Khriss]], cold and inhospitable. However, despite being too cold to support life, many [[spren]] live there. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from [[The Stormlight Archive]] will be set on Braize.{{cite}}
Braize is known to the Vorin people as [[Damnation]]. {{book ref|sa2|32}} The [[HeraldsHerald]]s where transported to Damnation for torture between the times of the desolations indicating that there maybe a settlement on Braize where is was done. For this reason we can assume that is is where [[Talenel]] was held after Aharietiam in the last days of the oathpact.
After the Dawnchant is translated, Braize is revealed to be the home world of the humans on [[Roshar]] and that they left the planet for Roshar after it was destroyed or left desolate by misuse of the surges by primitive radiants. In a reversal of thought, Odium is said to be deeply connected to men as they are entities of the passion which makes up Odium even though he appears to be allied to the native Singers of Roshar and has promised them to exterminate the humans. For this reason the humans on Roshar are said to be the true voidbringers as they brought Odium who seems to take emotion like a void to Roshar from Braize.
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[[Category: Braize| ]]