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m (Texto reemplazado: «tag|Unseen Court» por «tag|La Corte Inadvertida»)
|image=Beryl by Jove.jpg
|born=c. {{Rosharan date|1153-54}}{{book ref|sa4|20}}
|groups={{tag|Knights Radiant}} <small>([[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweavers]])</small>, {{tag|LaUnseen Corte InadvertidaCourt}}{{book ref|sa4|20}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|I think we all hide pain to an extent.
|Beryl to [[Shallan]]{{book ref|sa4|26}}
'''Beryl''' is a [[Knight Radiant]] on [[Roshar]]. She independently develops [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaving]] powers during the [[True Desolation]], and is recruited to the [[Unseen Court]] by [[Shallan Davar]]. She is bonded to [[Ornament]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
'''Beryl''' is a [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] on [[Roshar]] bonded to [[Ornament]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Beryl is a tall [[darkeyed]] [[Alethi]] woman with long legs and delicate, supple fingers. Her luxurious dark hair, perfectly tan skin, and stately bearing give her a resemblance to [[Jasnah Kholin]].{{book ref|sa4|32}}{{book ref|sa4|26}}{{book ref|sa4|34}} Even when Beryl is not intentionally [[Illumination|Lightweaving]], [[Shallan_Davar#Veil|Veil]] believes that she instinctually uses her powers to enhance her appearance.{{book ref|sa4|26}} She is a few years older than Shallan, putting her in her early twenties when she joins the Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa4|20}} She seems to eschew the traditional [[Vorin]] [[havah]] in favor of other styles of dresses and skirts.{{book ref|sa4|26}}{{book ref|sa4|34}}
She is a tall [[darkeyed]] [[Alethi]] woman with luscious black hair and tan skin. Beryl has delicate, supple fingers.{{book ref|sa4|26}} Her personality is described as sunny despite her history.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
Beryl is relatively introverted and relaxed. She has a sunny disposition, and is generally optimistic.{{book ref|sa4|26}} She is eager to learn about her powers and practices diligently.{{book ref|sa4|32}} She seems confident that she will be able to overcome any obstacles in her training,{{book ref|sa4|32}} although she does experience some self-doubt about interacting with important people.{{book ref|sa4|34}} She is introspective, and seems to be at peace with herself and her past.{{book ref|sa4|26}} Like many Lightweavers, her personality has a tendency to shift to match whatever face she is wearing.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
== Abilities ==
Beryl is a Lightweaver bonded to Ornament. She can instinctively use [[Illumination|Lightweavings]] to change her own appearance and sometimes does this subconsciously.{{book ref|sa4|26}} However, Beryl has not learned how to Lightweave anything other than herself yet. She attempted to use drawings to form Lightweavings like [[Shallan]], but is horrible at drawing.{{book ref|sa4|32}} She is skilled at using [[Transformation|Soulcasting]] and finds that by carrying around [[lavis]] seeds it is easier to transform things into lavis grain. She has shown [[Vathah]] this trick and he agreed it was easier to Soulcast with the seeds.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Beryl is a Lightweaver and shares a [[Nahel bond]] with Ornament, who usually stays inside of her shirt, out of sight.{{book ref|sa4|20}} Beryl has not yet spoken the necessary [[Immortal_Words#Ideals_of_the_Order_of_Lightweavers|Truths]] to use Ornament as a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa4|26}}
|I can't change anything but my own appearance! I know I can do more. I’ve seen the rest of you.
|Beryl{{book ref|sa4|32}}
She can instinctively [[Surgebind]] to change her appearance to look like someone else. She sometimes makes subtle changes to her own features subconsciously.{{book ref|sa4|26}} However, Beryl has not learned how to Lightweave anything other than her own appearance. She has attempted to replicate the methods used by other Lightweavers, but she is not good at drawing (like Shallan) or shifting her mindset to think like the object of an illusion (like [[Vathah]]).{{book ref|sa4|20}}
She is able to quickly learn how to [[Transformation|Soulcast]], and even develops a new technique to make it easier. She "shows" the soul of an object whatever she wants it to transform into; for example, she carries [[lavis]] seeds if she wants to transform stone into lavis grain. She has shown Vathah this trick and he agrees that it is easier to Soulcast with the seeds. This method is not known to Jasnah, and raises a question about potential differences in Soulcasting by Lightweavers compared to [[Elsecaller]]s.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
She has some training in sword fighting, and can quickly shift the face she is wearing while she is sparring.{{book ref|sa4|20}}{{book ref|sa4|32}}
== History ==
Beryl was once a prostitute in the warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|20}} At sometime while still a prostitute she bonded the [[Cryptic]] Ornament to become a Lightweaver.{{book ref|sa4|26}} Using her newfound abilities she began to change her face to match the faces of her clients' loved ones. A rumor of a prostitute changing one's face in the warcamps eventually led Shallan to Beryl, where she was recruited about three months prior to the expedition to [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
|I won't pretend my life was easy. The profession isn’t an easy one, and the women who find their way to it often have their problems magnified. There are ways to keep it from chewing you up, however. To make it your choice, done in your way. Or at least ways to tell yourself that...
|Beryl{{book ref|sa4|26}}
Beryl's early history is unknown. She did not come from a stable background; she noted that she had led so many lives that she could not recall her real name.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
Beryl worked as a prostitute in the Alethi warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|20}} Although her life was difficult, Beryl did not face the same struggles as other women in her profession, such as [[firemoss]] addiction or threats of violence. She was not ashamed of being a prostitute, and noted that she always felt in control of her professional life.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
=== Joining the Knights Radiant ===
|Queen Jasnah doesn't know everything, right? Or maybe it’s different for our order. It’s not her fault if she doesn’t know how Lightweavers work.
|Beryl on Soulcasting methods{{book ref|sa4|26}}
Beryl was not among the Alethi who moved to [[Urithiru]] after the [[Battle of Narak]], and she remained in the warcamps. At some point, she bonded the [[Cryptic]] Ornament and independently learned how to [[Surgebind]].{{book ref|sa4|26}} Despite her lack of training, she was able to use her newfound abilities to start wearing illusory faces at the request of her clients. This presumably raised her profile in the warcamps, and rumors about her made their way to Shallan. Shallan sought Beryl out and recruited her to the Lightweaver organization known as the [[Unseen Court]] about three months prior to the expedition to [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa4|20}} Beryl later realized that she could have walked away from her job months earlier, but she had enjoyed becoming the women that her clients desired and the control that she had over them.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
Beryl became an apprentice in the Unseen Court's base in [[Urithiru]]. Shallan felt that her team was complete after Beryl joined.{{book ref|sa4|26}} Beryl was trained to use her powers; she also learned how to fight, as a last resort. Her control over illusions that altered her appearance improved, but she remained unable to create illusions of other objects or people.{{book ref|sa4|20}}{{book ref|sa4|32}} Beryl was also introduced to Soulcasting and seemed to have a knack for it. She showed Vathah a Soulcasting trick that she developed independently; Shallan asked her to show it to [[Ishnah]] and report back on the results.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
Beryl then became an apprentice in the [[Unseen Court]], where she was trained to use her powers and fight. Beryl was one of the five Lightweavers brought on the mission to capture [[Ialai Sadeas]] in the warcamps.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
=== Shadesmar Expedition ===
Beryl was one of the few members of the Unseen Court that seemed eager to join the Urithiru coalition's diplomatic mission to [[Lasting Integrity]]. However, Shallan had become concerned that there was a spy [[Mraize]] and the [[Ghostbloods]] in her team, and did not want to bring both Beryl and [[Stargyle]] since they were the newest recruits and the least known to her. Shallan settled on bringing Vathah, Ishnah, and [[Stargyle]]. {{book ref|sa4|20}} However, just before the party was set to leave Urithiru, Stargyle's wife became ill and he backed out of the trip, and Beryl took his place.{{book ref|sa4|21}} During the trip, Beryl worked on recording observations about Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa4|24}}
Shallan got to know Beryl a little better and realized that she was somewhat envious of Beryl's optimism and self-confidence. However, Shallan also became increasingly suspicious of Beryl, and temporarily believed that she was the spy,{{book ref|sa4|26}} particularly after she fed her a tidbit about a corrupted [[gloryspren]] and Mraize repeated it.{{book ref|sa4|30}} Shallan did not immediately act on her suspicions since she did not have hard proof, and continued to work with Beryl on her Lightweaving powers as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She tried to get information from Ornament, but did not learn anything incriminating.{{book ref|sa4|32}} Shallan asked Beryl to attend a meeting with Adolin and other leaders of the expedition, and Beryl displayed some obvious hesitation and discomfort with the situation. This reduced Shallan's suspicions, but Beryl was not fully exonerated until Shallan discovered the true spy.{{book ref|sa4|34}}{{book ref|sa4|36}}
Beryl then became an apprentice in the [[Unseen Court]], where she was trained to use her powers and fight. Beryl was one of the five Lightweavers brought on the mission to capture [[Ialai Sadeas]] in the warcamps.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
Beryl was nauseated by the sight of the corpses of the [[Tukar]]i that were killed during the skirmish to save [[Notum]].{{book ref|sa4|36}}
Beryl showed great interest in being one of the three Lightweaver apprentices to go on the mission to Lasting Integrity when Shallan told her and the rest of the Unseen Court. However, Shallan chose to bring Vathah, [[Ishnah]], and [[Stargyle]] instead of Beryl. {{book ref|sa4|20}} Then right before the party was set to leave [[Urithiru]] Stargyle’s wife became ill and he backed out of the trip, letting Beryl take his place on the expedition into [[Shadesmar]]. {{book ref|sa4|21}} During the trip there Shallan temporarily believed Beryl was the spy for [[Mraize]] and the [[Ghostbloods]], particularly after she feeds her a tidbit about a corrupted gloryspren and Mraize repeats it.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
After the group reached Lasting Integrity and [[Adolin]], Shallan, and [[Pattern]] wereentered letthe into Lasting Integritycity, Beryl and everyonethe elserest of the expedition (except [[Godeke]], [[Felt]], and his wife [[Malli]]) left their camp for the [[Oathgate]] to tell [[Dalinar]] what had happened.{{book ref|sa4|75}}
== OtherTrivia ==
* The source of Beryl's assumed name is unknown, but [[wikipedia:beryl|beryl]] is a real-life mineral; both emerald and heliodor (two of [[Roshar]]'s [[polestone]]s) are varieties of gem-quality beryl, and Brandon is aware of this fact.{{wob ref|4080}}
Beryl is not her real name. She claims not to remember her real name anymore. [[Ornament]] rides inside her shirt, near her skin. Beryl has not yet earned her [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
* Shallan refers to Beryl as a "Surgebinding savant", but the cosmere term [[savant]] is not known to be used on Roshar, so Shallan is presumably referring to the fact that Beryl showed an innate talent in Lightweaving before receiving any training.{{book ref|sa4|26}}
* Adolin once protected a prostitute in the warcamps,{{book ref|sa1|46}} but it was not Beryl.{{wob ref|15674}}
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 00:17, 31 August 2022 (UTC)}}