Diferencia entre revisiones de «Berila»

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m (link things only once per page please lol (part one))
m (keep in-world and remove second links, no space between punc. and ref)
Etiqueta: status-change
== Abilities ==
Beryl is a Lightweaver bonded to Ornament. She can instinctively use [[Illumination|Lightweavings]] to change her own appearance and sometimes does this subconsciously.{{book ref|sa4|26}} However, Beryl has not learned how to Lightweave anything other than herself yet. She attempted to use drawings to form Lightweavings like [[Shallan]], but is horrible at drawing.{{book ref|sa4|32}} She is good at [[Transformation|Soulcasting]] and found that by carrying around [[lavis]] seeds it is easier to transform things into lavis grain. She has shown [[Vathah]] this trick and he agreed it was easier to Soulcast with the seeds.{{book ref|sa4|broken reference}}
== History ==
Beryl was once a prostitute in the warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|20}} At sometime while still a prostitute she bonded the [[Cryptic]] Ornament to become a Lightweaver.{{book ref|sa4|26}} Using her newfound abilities she began to change her face to match the faces of her clients' loved ones. A rumor of a prostitute changing one's face in the warcamps eventually led [[Shallan]] to Beryl, where she was recruited about three months prior to the expedition to [[Rhythm ofLasting WarIntegrity]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
Beryl then became an apprentice in the [[Unseen Court.]], Wherewhere she was trained to use her powers and fight. Beryl was one of the five Lightweavers brought on the mission to capture [[Ialai Sadeas]] in the warcamps. {{book ref|sa4|20}}
Beryl showed great interest in being one of the three Lightweaver apprentices to go on the mission to [[Lasting Integrity]] when Shallan told her and the rest of the Unseen Court. However, [[Shallan]] chose to bring [[Vathah]], [[Ishnah]], and [[Stargyle]] instead of Beryl. {{book ref|sa4|20}} Then right before the party was set to leave [[Urithiru]] [[Stargyle]]’sStargyle’s wife became ill and he backed out of the trip, letting Beryl take his place on the expedition into [[Shadesmar]]. {{book ref|sa4|21}} During the trip there [[Shallan]] temporarily believed Beryl was the spy for [[Mraize]] and the [[Ghostbloods]]. {{book ref|sa4|30}}
After [[Adolin]], [[Shallan]], and [[Pattern]] were let into [[Lasting Integrity]], Beryl and everyone else except [[Godeke]], [[Felt]], and his wife [[Malli]] left for the [[Oathgate]] to tell [[Dalinar]] what had happened. {{book ref|sa4|75}}
== Other ==
Beryl is not her real name. She claims not to remember her real name anymore. Beryl has not yet earned her shardblade[[Shardblade]]. {{book ref|sa4|20}}
== Notes ==
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