Diferencia entre revisiones de «Bebid»

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{{quote|I'm a priest of Brightvision the True. I can't betray my oaths!|Bebid to Vasher}}
'''Bebid''' was a priest, of unknown rank, to [[Brightvision]], who had achieved the First Heightening in the [[Hallandren]] [[Court of Gods]] prior to the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]].{{ref|b|wb|c|5}}
He met with [[Vasher]] at a restaurant in order to give him information on court politics regarding the movement from a faction in the court to attack Idris. Vasher had exerted some sort of influence on Bebid, breaking him, which Bebid believed to be have difficult. He also tells Vasher about [[Bluefingers]] when he tells Vasher he is unable to help in his plans.{{ref|b|wb|c|5}}
== Notes ==
<references />
Synod, Editors, Keepers
