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[[en: Baxil]]
|relatives=[[Av]] <small>(cousinprimo)</small>
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Baxil''' ises anun ladrón [[Emulemul]]i thief onde [[Roshar]] whoque ises hiredcontratado bypor [[Shalash]].{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}{{wob ref|9661}}
==Apariencia y personalidad==
==Appearance and Personality==
HeTiene hasel thepelo characteristicy darkla skinpiel andoscuros hairtípicos ofde thelos [[Makabakimakabaki]] people. HeEs ismás shorterbajo thanque hissu cousinprimo [[Av]].{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
HeEs isun ahombre nervous,tímido timidy mannervioso andy annoysmolesta a Av withcon hissus jumpinesssobresaltos. DuringDurante theirsus thievingtrabajos jobsde robo, Av carrieslleva auna swordespada, butpero Baxil does notno. HeHa hasconsiderado consideredvisitar visitinga thela [[NightwatcherVigilante Nocturna]] topara askpedirle forel thedon boondel ofcoraje couragepara tovolverse makemás himself more usefulútil. HeSe considersconsidera himselfa unlucky, andmismo thinksdesafortunado, thaty hepiensa probablyque wouldn'tprobablemente evenno besería ablecapaz tode findencontrar thela [[OldAntigua MagicMagia]] ifsi helo triedintentara.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
==Atributos y habilidades==
==Attributes and Abilities==
AlthoughA hepesar lacksde confidenceque no tiene confianza, Baxil ises presumablypresumiblemente aun relativelyladrón skilledrelativamente thiefhábil, sincepuesto que Shalash was willing toquiso hire himcontratarlo. TheirSu smallpequeño teamequipo ises ablecapaz tode avoidevitar detectionser evendescubierto inincluso heavilyen guardededificios buildingsmuy vigilados.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}} HeAdora worshipsa [[Jezrien]] ascomo aun goddios andy refersse torefiere hima usingél theusando Emuliel titletérmino ofemuli Primetitle de Kadasix whenSupremo cuando silentlyreza prayingsilenciosamente.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
Baxil y Avfueron cointratados por [[Shalash]]{{wob ref|9661}} para ayudarla a infiltrarse en casas y palacios con el objetivo de destruir arte, particularmente arte en el que se la representaba. No eran conscientes de su verdadera identidad y simplemente se referían a ella como «señora». Baxil se dio cuenta de que era una mujer increíblemente hermosa que no parecía encajar en ninguna de las etnias rosharianas; él y Av asumieron que era mestiza. También mencionó su extraño comportamiento, indumentaria inusual, y audición extraordinariamente buena. Sin embargo, nunca se metió en su trasfondo, pues parecía peligrosa y pagaba bien. Parecían llevar trabajando con su señora un tiempo; Baxil estaba embriagado por ella, y lamentó la falta de confianza que le impedía acercarse a ella románticamente.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
Baxil and Av were hired by [[Shalash]]{{wob ref|9661}} to assist her in infiltrating homes and palaces with the goal of destroying artwork, particularly artwork that depicted her. They were not aware of her true identity and simply referred to her as "mistress". Baxil noted that she was an incredibly beautiful woman who did not seem to fit into any Rosharan ethnic group; he and Av assumed that she was of mixed heritage. He also mentioned her strange behavior, unusual clothing, and exceptionally good hearing. However, he never pried into her background, as she seemed dangerous and was paying him very well. They seemed to have been working with their mistress for some time; Baxil had become infatuated with her, and lamented the lack of confidence that prevented him from approaching her romantically.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
DuringDurante thelas break-insinfiltraciones, Shalash prohibitedprohibió a Baxil andy Av fromrobar stealing anythingnada. Baxil'sAv primaryprincipalmente jobservía wascomo carryingvigía ay sackguardia thatmientras containedBaxil ayudaba a variety of destructive tools for Shalash toa use;realizar Shalashsus performedactos the vandalism herself while Baxil andvandálicos. Av observed.y Baxil andayudaron Av helpeda Shalash breaka colarse intoen theel palacepalacio ofde [[Ashno|Ashno ofde Sages]], whodel wasque saidse todecía beque oneera ofuno thede richestlos andhombres holiestmás menricos iny píos de Emul.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}} TheLa pairpareja mayquizá haveestuviera alsotambién beenen presentla duringdestrucción Shalash'sde destructionarte ofde artworkShalash inen otherotros placeslugares, such ascomo theel [[BronzePalacio Palacede Bronce]] inen [[Azimir]]{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} andy el palacio del [[Gavilar|Kingrey Gavilar]]'s palace inen Kholinar.{{wob ref|2968}}
Baxil hadtuvo auna briefbreve conversationconversación withcon Av aboutsobre thelos boonsdones andy cursesmaldiciones ofde thela [[NightwatcherVigilante Nocturna]] andy resolveddecidió tovisitar visit theel [[ValleyValle]], hopingesperando thatque la the [[OldAntigua MagicMagia]] could grantpudiera himotorgarle couragevalor.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 21:45, 11 June 2020 (UTC)}}
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