Diferencia entre revisiones de «Barba»

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(Clarified the meaning of voidbringers as voidbringer actually refers to humans and fused, not to the singers which I do believe were who killed beard.)
(adding to page)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Beard''' is an eccentric member of the [[Kholinar Wall Guard]], a part of Platoon Seven, Squad Two.
He tells outrageous stories that nobody believes{{book ref|sa3|81}}., Heincluding diesthat fightinghe met the Blackthorn, and swam with him in the Purelake, that he had to swim across a vat of dye to save the prince of [[voidbringersSteen]]'s (Meaningdaughter, singersthat andhe fused)met invadinga priestess, that he learned how to soulcast from the palaceking of [[Herdaz]], ect.{{book ref|sa3|12173}} He, once [[Azure]] goes with [[Shallan]], follows [[Kaladin]] into Kholinar palace, and takes part in the [[Battle of Kholinar]]. He is eventually killed by [[Sah]], who rammed him through with a spear.{{book ref|sa3|121}}[[Kaladin]] later reminisces that he and [[Lopen]] would have made great friends.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
== Notes ==