Diferencia entre revisiones de «Babilar»

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updated references to Arcanum
m (updated references to Arcanum)
|books=[[The Reckoners]]
'''Babylon Restored''', often referred to as '''Babilar''' a simplification of "Babyl-R",{{17swob ref|postdate=2015-06-01|2129988852|Peter confirming the names contraction|date=8 JanMiscellaneous 2015}}, is the name given to New York City after its streets are flooded by the [[Epic]] [[Regalia]], its current ruler.{{book ref|Firefight|5}}The water floods so high you can see only the supports of bridges, even though they were once over a hundred feet tall.
The ruler of the city is an Epic named Regalia, who has the power to move, see out of, and create projections from water. She is terminally ill and uses her projections to rule the city. Her lower Epics include [[Obliteration]] and [[Newton]]. Unlike [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]], Regalia does not rely on oppression and fear to rule her populace. The majority of the citizens live a carefree life of relaxation, partying, and eating, believing that one can do nothing about the Epics, so just let them have their way. [[David Charleston]] has trouble accepting this doctrine.
Editors, Keepers
