This is a guide to the suggested structure for Coppermind summary articles. Some summary articles may omit one or more of these sections if inadequate information is available. Looking at existing articles to get a sense of a useful structure is always a good idea.


All summary pages should start with a statement like the following:

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of '''''[name of book (linked)].''''' We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

This is followed by the following line of code, used to move the table of contents to the right:

<div style="float:right; padding-left:1em">__TOC__</div>

Chapter summaries

The bulk of a summary article will consist of chapter-by-chapter summaries. If a book has parts, each part should be a level two heading with each chapter being a level three heading, as follows:

== Part One ==
=== Chapter One ===
=== Chapter Two ===

Otherwise, each chapter is simply a level two heading:

== Chapter One ==
== Chapter Two ==

Chapter and part names and numbering should be consistent with that given in the book (for an extreme example, see Summary:The_Shattered_Lens).

Each chapter is laid out as follows:

{{anchor|Chapter 1}}

== Chapter One ==

Something wicked this way comes}}

* Person A (Point of view)
* Person B
* a worker
* Person C (mentioned only)

;Plot Summary
Lorem ipsum dolor amet, ipsum bacon is yummy

Pay careful attention to the capitalization of each element.


Notice that this anchor is above the chapter heading. The anchor is done using an anchor template: {{anchor}} and the parameter should be "Chapter" followed by whatever is supposed to appear in {{book ref}} templates in order to denote chapter. In most books this will be simply the number of the chapter.


See above.


For books that have epigraphs, they should be included in an {{epigraph}}. The single parameter is the full text of the epigraph.

Character list

This begins with ;Characters. It should include a list of all the characters, in a bulleted list (using asterisks) within a {{column}} template. Point of view characters appear first, followed by characters featured in the chapter, and lastly characters mentioned. Even a single mention is enough to warrant inclusion in the list. Unnamed characters and groups of characters should also be included. Within each category, organize roughly by order of appearance.

Plot summary

Begin with ;Plot Summary and then summarize the plot. This forms the bulk of the page.