Diferencia entre revisiones de «Axindweth»

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'''Axindweth''' is a member of [[Gavilar]]'s retinue involved in his dealings with the forces of [[Odium]]. She meets with [[Venli]] and gives her a gemstone that contains [[Ulim]].{{book ref|sa4|52}}
== Before the War of Reckoning ({{Rosharan date|1165}} - {{Rosharan date|1167}})==
During a trip to the Shattered Plains with the listeners, Gavilar bringsbrought a retinue of attendants. Axindweth, who iswas allegedly a surgeon's assistant, approachesapproached Eshonai and asksasked her what she seessaw when she lookslooked at the spren. Eshonai notesnoted that she wearswore a great deal of rings on her right hand, which seemsseemed impractical. Later, when Eshonai pullspulled out her hunting knife to cut something, Axindweth asksasked if she can take a closer look at it. She beckonsbeckoned Gavilar over, then theorizestheorized that Eshonai's knife must date back to the False Desolation.{{book ref|sa4|48}}
After Venli and Eshonai's family movemoved into an abandoned city on the Shattered Plains, defeating the family of listeners that held it beforehand, Axindweth appearsappeared again with Gavilar's retinue. She findsfound Venli sitting outside the city, staring at the broken plateaus below. She conversesconversed with Venli in the listener tongue, much to Venli's surprise, and sayssaid that she's always been good at languages. Introducing herself as Axindweth, she asksasked if Venli would like to learn to obtain a form of power. Despite Venli's protests, she questionsquestioned the listeners' faith in their ancestors. Finally, she enticesenticed Venli into her offer by suggesting there are forms of power that can heal someone. As Venli expressesexpressed shock, Axindweth withdrawswithdrew a blood-red, glowing gemstone from her safehand sleeve. She instructsinstructed Venli to take the gem and break it in a storm to find the answers she seeks, shethen leavesleft.{{book ref|sa4|52}}
=== Assassination ({{Rosharan date|1167|9|missing-date=y}})===
{{for|Assassination of Gavilar}}
At the feast that Gavilar held to celebrate the listeners and humans' treaty, Venli and Ulim searched for a bag of gemstones that Axindweth left in the palace for Venli's scholars. Venli asked Ulim where Axindweth is. Ulim insisted that Axindweth hadn't contacted him in a few days, but promised she'll leave more gemstones at the rendezvous point. Once Venli and Ulim reached the rendezvous point, a privy room, they found a ciphered note from Axindweth in an empty chamber pot. In the note, Axindweth wrote that she'd been discovered by another one of her kind, who is an agent working for a different entity. This counteragent turned Gavilar against her, and Axindweth fled Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|77}}
== Notes ==