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An atium [[Misting]] is known as a '''Seer'''. Burning atium allows the user to see a few seconds into the future, by producing atium shadows of everything they can see. The shadows perform future actions. Burning atium expands the user's mind to be able to accept and process all of the information, even allowing the Allomancer to passively dodge incoming attacks from behind. If another Allomancer burning atium is encountered, the atium shadow will split, since each seeing into the other's future means that they can both make different decisions that affect both Allomancers' outcomes. An Allomancer's atium shadow will also split if they are burning [[electrum]].
Burning [[duralumin]] with atium will allow an Allomancer to see the ultimate effects of their actions.{{book ref|mag|15}} Aluminum objects do not generate atium shadows.{{qawob ref|1076|11|The aluminum would not give an atium shadow.|date=March 6th, 20146870}}
Alloys of atium produce various expanded mental and temporal effects.
==Hemalurgic Use==
When used as a Hemalurgic spike, atium is like a wild card. Depending on where it is placed, it can steal any Hemalurgic property and it does so better than other spikes.{{qawob ref|428|82|Why does Atium steal temporal powers?|date=2009-075971}}
== Alloys ==
Atium may also be alloyed with any of the other Allomatic metals. However the only currently known atium alloy is [[malatium]] an atium-gold alloy. These alloys grant various temporal effects when burned.{{qawob ref|590|25|What would an atium-electrum alloy do in Allomancy?|date=2010-12-064615}}
== Trivia ==