Diferencia entre revisiones de «Astillero orbital C-137-KJM»

The origins of the shipyard are unknown and likely predate the arrival of the Defiants by centuries. At some point it was broken into two halves, though it is unknown when or how this occurred.{{book ref|sky1|25}}
The first half of the shipyard fell to the surface partway through Spensa's time as a cadet, when [[Skyward Flight]] was sent on a routine training exercise to tag chunks of debris. The Krell flewcommitted throughalmost thesixty debrisships,{{book layerref|sky1|i|3}} toa protectlarge number of their forces, to the shipyardattack, andto ensure it crashed and to keep the DDF from being able to harvest it's acclivity rings.{{book ref|sky1|25}}
During the battle, [[Nedd]]'s brothers, [[Nightstorm_Flight|Nightstorm]] pilots [[Vent|six]] and [[Nightstorm_pilot_seven|seven]], picked up Krell tails and in a desperate attempt to lose them, flew into the shipyard.{{book ref|sky1|25}} Nedd and Spensa followed the Nightstorm pilots into the ship, to try and destroy their Krell tail and help them escape.{{book ref|sky1|26}} Unable to catch up to the Nightstorm pilots, Spensa and Nedd fled the ship just before it reached the planet surface. Nedd's brothers tragically died in the crash.{{book ref|sky1|26}}
As the DDF troops retreated, the Krell began firing on the ship's acclivity rings, as well as setting explosive charges on the top of the vessel in order to increase its descent. The Krell continued to fire upon the ship after it had crashed to ensure that the DDF would be unable to salvage anything useful from the wreckage.{{book ref|sky1|26}} The DDF lost fourteen ships from the encounter at the shipyard and fewer than a dozen acclivity rings were salvageable from the wreckage.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}}
The second half the shipyard fell during the [[Second Battle of Alta]]. The [[DDF]], desperate to retrieve the acclivity rings, sent all pilots after the shipyard, believing that the Krell would try and destroy it. Instead, the Krell used the shipyard as a ploy and tried to attack [[Alta Base]] and destroy it with a [[lifebuster]].
Synod, Editors, Keepers
