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==What are Splinters?==
Though Brandon has not stated the complete definition of what a Splinter is, in a way they are qualitative opposites of [[Sliver]]s. Whereas Slivers are people who have been influenced by Shardic power, a Splinter is a thing that has never been human.{{qa ref|?|699|8|How is a Splinter different from a Sliver?}} One distinguishing factor of a Splinter is that they often have an [[intent]], separate from their Shards'.{{qa ref|?|552|<!--TODO:FIX when transcribed-->?|Do Splinters have their own Intent, in addition to the Shards'?}} Splinters are a blend of more the spiritual and cognitive and less the physical.{{qa ref|?|979|68|Are Splinters primarily Spiritual?}}
==Known Splinters==
Examples of Splinters are [[Honorspren]]{{17s ref|4254|post|66703|Are Honorspren Splinters, or do they hold Splinters?}}, the Divine Breath that [[Returned]] hold, which are Splinters of [[Endowment]]{{qa ref|?|680|13|If a returned gives away his/her breath they die right?}}, and the [[Aon]]s inside of [[Seon]]s are Splinters of [[Devotion]].{{qa ref|?|949|5|Are the Aons at the heart of Seons shards of Devotion?}}
So there are Splinters on [[Roshar]], [[Sel]] and [[Nalthis]].
==No Splinters on Scadrial==
[[Lerasium]] and [[atium]]--despite being condensed essences of their Shards--are not Splinters, so there are no Splinters in ''[[Mistborn series|Mistborn]]''.{{qa ref|?|699|8}}
It is not clear how Splinters are formed, though it appears a Shard must actively create one. Endowment seems to be able to form them at will for [[Returned]]. [[Odium]] traveled to Sel and Splintered [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]].{{article ref|The Letter}} Since [[Odium]] killed [[Tanavast]],{{ref|b|twok|c|75}} the holder of [[Honor]], Honor was Splintered as well.{{qa ref|?|755|27|Is Honor splintered?}}
== Notes ==
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