Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ashyn»

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m (While we're at it lets try and link things once per page)
Ashyn currently has no [[Shard]], but [[Odium]] possibly spent some time there, as he followed the Ashynites to Roshar.{{wob ref|6646}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|117}} Like most of the Rosharan system, the planet is 10-centric.{{wob ref|2745}}
The magic of Ashyn is disease-based. As the bacteria and viruses there seek to keep their hosts alive, they provide them with access to supernatural abilities, which differ depending on the disease. The Ashynites harness this by lowering their immune systems and deliberately infecting themselves to gain various powers.{{wob ref|7584}}{{wob ref|1862}} This magic is related to the [[Old Magic]].{{wob ref|12681}}
Very little is known about the specific forms of magic granted by the illnesses, though a few have been described. The most important from the survival standpoint causes hearing loss while allowing its host to manipulate gravity. As such, it's crucial to the functioning of Ashyn's flying cities, which are kept aloft by conclaves of people infected with it.{{wob ref|12271}} Other abilities granted by diseases include flight or passing through walls.{{wob ref|4043}}{{wob ref|9849}} The ability lasts as long as the person is infected by the disease, and disappears when their immune system overcomes it.{{wob ref|9849}}
Ashyn's magic system was not sickness-based from the start.{{wob ref|11304}} The original magic, which brought about the cataclysm, wasn't exactly like [[Surgebinding]], but shared the same basic principles.{{wob ref|8690}} It might've also been related to Roshar's [[Old Magic]].{{wob ref|12681}} The [[Eila Stele]] mentions humans using the powers of [[spren]] and [[Surge]]s, suggesting that the shift to bacteria and viruses as the focus of Ashynite magic might've happened some time after most people have already evacuated from the planet.{{epigraph ref|sa3|115}}
The symbiotic relation between the bacteria and their hosts is similar to that of the [[Aviar]]s and the worms that grant them powers from [[First of the Sun]], albeit here the humans interact with the magic-granting microorganisms directly rather than through intermediaries.