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Each Aon is built around the basic symbol known as Aon Aon. The symbol is often duplicated and rotated in the creation of another Aon. Aons can be made more specific by adding appropriate modifying lines to the symbol. For example, Elantrians have been known to specify which organs to heal and in what way with a healing Aon instead of leaving the symbol unmodified, resulting in a weakened healing of ailments throughout the body.
AonDor is a compound of the words 'Aon' and 'Dor'. The Dor is understood to be a dimension of chaotic energy in a highly pressurized state. When an Aon is drawn, the symbolssymbol acts as a doorway for some of the energy to escape into the less pressurized world of Sel. The Aon not only acts as a doorway, but it specifies how that chaotic energy can be channeled into specific forms, such as fire, light, healing power, etc.
== Notes ==
