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{{quote| The most perfect of Aons, fully incorporating the base of Aon Aon and spinning it into a complex icon that is artful and complicated, yet somehow simple at the same time.|Enelan}}
Aon Omi is perhaps most well-known for its association with [[Shu-Korath]]. When [[Korath]] (known in [[JindoJinDo]] as KoWho) began teaching of [[Shu-Keseg]] in Arelon he chose Aon Omi to represent God, who he named Domi, calling it a "Thing of Beauty". He hoped to quell the rivalry his followers felt towards the Elantrians and so chose what they saw as a "heathen symbol" to show how all people should be accepted into the religion. Current Korathi priests view the use Aons in their religion as evidence that all people and beliefs can be united through love.{{qa ref|768|9}}
Korath asked an Elantrian smith he was acquainted with to forge him a silver pendant of the symbol. Wearing an Aon Omi pendant was fairly common occurrence by the time of the Restoration of Elantris, and the exchanging of pendants was a common practice during Korathi marriage ceremonies.{{qa ref|768|9}}
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