Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alonoe»

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The Ire is an extremely old organization{{wob ref|5870}} and Alonoe's physical appearance and her authority within the Ire imply that she has been a member for a very long time. At some point, the Ire constructed a fortress on the edge of [[Scadrial]]'s Cognitive Realm.{{wob ref|5671}} The members of the Ire were not on Sel when the [[Reod]] occurred,{{wob ref|10476}} but they were affected by it in some way.{{wob ref|1920}}
Alonoe iswas present in the Ire's fortress when [[Kelsier]] findsfound it and attemptsattempted to investigate it.{{msh ref|5|2}} When one of the Ire's guardsmen spotsspotted Kelsier, he and the guard captain reportreported the incident to Alonoe, whom they salutesaluted and addressaddressed as "ancient one".{{msh ref|5|2}} Alonoe hashad been wary of intrusions by [[shade]]s from [[Threnody]], and assumesassumed that Kelsier iswas one of them.{{msh ref|5|2}} She instructsinstructed the guard captain to turn on a special device that containscontained a large yellow gemstone, hoping to detect any Threnodites nearby.{{msh ref|5|2}} Although the device doesdid not detect Kelsier since he iswas Scadrian, she tellstold the guards and the rest of the Ire that they needneeded to stay alert.{{msh ref|5|2}}
The Ire discussdiscussed their plan to seize the power of [[Preservation]] when its [[Vessel]], [[Leras]], diesdied.{{msh ref|5|2}} Alonoe iswas concerned about [[Ruin]], but she willwould not let him deter the plan.{{msh ref|5|2}} Kelsier iswas irritated by Alonoe's ambition, partly because he hashad befriended Leras (whom he callscalled "Fuzz").{{msh ref|5|2}} He discoversdiscovered the key to the Ire's plan, a [[Ire's orb|magical orb]] that cancould provide the [[Connection]] necessary for someone to ascend as Preservation.{{msh ref|5|2}} They planplanned to use wards to prevent Ruin from noticing the device.{{msh ref|5|3}} Kelsier decidesdecided to thwart the Ire by stealing the orb.{{msh ref|5|2}}
About a week later, Alonoe leadsled an expedition of five members of the Ire and fifteen guards who riderode from the keep on horseback, intending to take control of Preservation.{{msh ref|5|3}} Although four of the Ire members carrycarried decoy orbs, Kelsier correctly guessesguessed that Alonoe would not allow the real orb to leave her possession.{{msh ref|5|3}} He beginsbegan to sow seeds of chaos, pretending to be Ruin and whispering disturbing things into Alonoe's ears.{{msh ref|5|3}} Alonoe iswas determined to persevere, but Kelsier's antics preventprevented the group from sleeping, leadingand led to confusion and infighting.{{msh ref|5|3}} When the expedition approachesapproached a jungle, Kelsier seizesseized the opportunity to scare the group's horses and isolate Alonoe amidst the vegetation.{{msh ref|5|3}} Using one of Alonoe's robes that he stole from the fortress, he trickstricked the rest of the group into thinking that she hashad disintegrated, scaring them away.{{msh ref|5|3}} He then doublesdoubled back to confront a terrified Alonoe, who believesbelieved he iswas Ruin and givesgave up the orb.{{msh ref|5|3}} Alonoe even offersoffered to serve Ruin, but Kelsier dismissesdismissed her, forcing her to walk to find her companions.{{msh ref|5|3}}
== Notes ==