Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alomancia»

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As mistings are only able to burn a single metal, they are very specialized in its use. Utilizing establishedcoordinated tactics, customized tools and clothing, made for the stereotypes that are known. Mostmost mistings operate in a groups to rely on and complement each othersother's abilities and compliment them.
Coinshots are mostly accompanied by Lurchers to provide the pulling of metals, Smokers thatto can hide their location, and Thugs to do melee fighting. In this regard, a Coinshot can be considered a sniper, as; they target the enemy as they are physically pushed in tointo a corner by a Thug. The Coinshot can use well aimed shot coins (or other metal objects) to 'snipe' the target.
Also the combination of Coinshot and Lurcher can be used to disarm the target of any metals they are using.