Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alomancia»

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Allomancy was in the original book of Mistborn (now known as Mistborn Prime). In that version, Allomancy only had Mistborn and no Mistings.{{ref|annotation|mb1|chapter=4-1}} Mistborn Prime was never published, and Brandon later repurposed its good ideas into [[Mistborn: The Final Empire]]. To give this new Mistborn book a heist novel feel, Brandon added Mistings, so that he could have a team of specialists with their own unique strengths.
The metals themselves changed over time. Brandon had been misled by employees of a hobby shop in his childhood that pewter was an alloy of silver, so in the original draft of Mistborn, silver and pewter were paired, and he named silver Mistings Silvereyes. When he realized the factual error, he was forced to change it to tin and Tineye.{{ref|annotation|mb1|chapter=23}} Brandon always thought Silvereye sounded much "slicker" than Tineye. And so silver just happened to not have any Allomantic effect in the final form of Allomancy.