Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alomancia»

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Added Speculation section
(Added Speculation section)
After the original trilogy and Brandon's reveal that atium and malatium did not belong on the true Table of Allomantic Metals, Brandon chose the true external temporal metal to be cadmium, as it was particularly dangerous and hard to acquire, so it made sense that only Scadrians with the technology after the Final Ascension could discover it.{{wob ref|4883}} Brandon originally had cadmium's alloy named cerrobend, but that name happened to be copyrighted, so Brandon was forced to change it to the generic word, bendalloy. The error was present on an early version of the Table of Allomantic Metals.
== Speculation ==
It is possible faster-than-light travel caused by Allomancy is caused by speed bubbles ([[cadmium]] and [[bendalloy]]) and enhancement metals ([[duralumin]] and [[nicrosil]]). When asked, Brandon Sanderson stated "You're getting closer."
== External links ==
